From a drop of water....

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My vision and realization of a 0-point [pointy headed] Flatland I don't think I ever got around to pointing out an illustration of:

Omni-dimensional . . . 0-points to infinity . . . therefrom vectored flatlands to infinity!

Did I say "vector"?
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Join to the model ("brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.):


As I see it,he why, what, how, of the existence of time, finite, interval, and Cantor set:

((+1) (-1)) = 1/0.
((+1) (-1)) = 1/0.

Division, disordering, Complexity, Chaos, infinity (infinities), multi-faceted multi-dimensional MULTIVERSE Universe (including the disrupting dimensions of 'time reversal' and 'life' (the "Life Force") in all of the foregoing), will have its portion -- its frontier "other" portion -- if it has to rip it from the G.U.T. of the superposition collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Horizon . . . Planck's 'Unity' ('1') set.

To be continued . . . Holidays' interruptions, and my better half's, not withstanding!
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Ad#978 (it seems high frontier types have to always be repeating to mechanics:

There are hidden windows in, to, and through, the universe ('Through the Looking Glass'"), some of them not quite so hidden!
I'm a "mind's eye" traveler of the cosmopolis, bit by bit modeling and writing a hitch-hiker's travel journal to the Universe (U) and universes (u) mostly outside the box observable only from the Earth observers' local-relative telescoping cones -- fractal vectors inverse squaring in zoom -- out . . . and in.

"The map is not the territory."
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A good year for physics . . . and metaphysics, 2024CE:


The Cosmos, far weirder than anyone suspected! Than anyone suspected?!
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I realize that most here don't understand or see the metaphysical cosmic similarities, especially the self-similarities, I see and understand to my own satisfaction.

Take what is in the above post #982, that I said, for example. It's taken from Chaos Theory, as I see, realize, and understand Chaos Theory.

Now picture this, if you can. Quantum chaos physics, the transfers of energies, messaged energy information, back and forth between the low and superposition high energy fields (the fundamental binary base2 "planes" of Chaos Theory spoke of in post #982, among other posts) via the messengers. And, there was no high energy original "Creation", Creation "Once Upon a Magical Time," of the universe.

And, again, there are at least three dimensions of time, of which negative ((+) -->>) and positive ((-) <<--) are two. No, I didn't, and I don't, get those signs mixed up and backward. SPACETIME's two dimensions of past-future ((t=+1) (-->>)) . . . and . . . future-past ((t=-1) (<<--)). There is no other way for this traveler, me, myself, and I, to space-time travel but both ways, both vectors, at one and the same time, thus never exiting Einstein's / Hawking's 0-point (t=0) (which I've gone over so many, many, times in explanation and description . . . picturing and modeling)!

"From a drop of water...."
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Mathematically and physically infinities come in three parts (three dimensions), (+1), (-1), and '0' (0-point).

Unsigned '1' is either local relative finite and no absolute! or the singularly absolute! of the superposition Planck Horizon's 'Unity' ('1' (unsigned))!

Each and every finite number contains within its local-relative box the greater -- and/or lesser -- infinity it is at once of a piece with!

Additional meaning: Thus, YOU contain infinities within you, including "infinity of the mind"! You can never reach all of your potential (the infinite potential), but...!
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Creation that never began once upon a magical time will never end in the same. It's always in ending (-->>), always in beginning (<<--). And always in passing . . . always in mid-passage.

Getting ready to close it for the night, I glimpsed another article where a group of scientists present the possibility of time travel without concomitant space travel (to me a flat impossibility).

In traveling SPACETIME's past-future histories line ((t=+1) (-->>)) the traveler travels into the past via the future. At one and the same time, in traveling SPACETIME's future-past histories line ((t=-1) (<<--)) the traveler travels into the future via the past. The TIME traveler is at once a SPACE traveler, something researchers into time travel just keep on either forgetting or ignoring. The SPACETIME space and time traveler will travel innumerable past-future (and future-past) timelines, not one of them his own timeline that will always begin and end, terminate, in (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0).

The travel may observe his history line behind him, at a distance in light seconds to light-years, if he travels away fast enough, point A forward in space and time to point B, but in reversing course he will travel away fast enough, point B forward to point A, to observe his history line behind him at a distance in light=seconds to light years while observing time fast-forwarding for him toward point A, always surpassing the time-line point A to point B by the always later time-line (observably fast-forwarding), for this traveler enroute returning, point B to point A.

You see, to begin with, you can't and will never observe SPACE travel! You can and ever will only observe time travel (the SPACETIME histories of the universe) as SPACETIME (time) travel:
((t=+1) (-->>) (If you know your position you can't know your velocity, and vice-versa))
((t=-1) (<<--) (If you know your velocity you can't know your position, and vice-versa))
((t=+1) (-->>) (relativity breaks down))
((t=-1) (<<--) (relativity builds up))
((a) (t=+1))
((b) (t=-1))

Those researchers, all of them, better get their act together and insert space with time! Otherwise, they will always be dealing in idiocy!
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Finite is a silly word used by the non-intelligent n dimensional to cover up what they don't understand.
Finite is the illusion (an illusionary result only), simply an illusion (a result). I don't kick rocks . . . kicking a rock to prove the finite, to prove what is a local-relative finite result only (rather than a universally real object (thus non-relative)), is too silly for words. The rock will never be real [at-a-distance ("spooky action at a distance")] . . . at any distance in the microcosmic or macrocosmic universe at all, but infinity (infinite, infinitesimal, infinities, ....) will be first and foremost the hated ever present inescapable reality. The grand total of mass matter and energy in the 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe' eternally equals zero ("0-point" infinite '0').

The begin of begin is infinity.
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Dec 10, 2024
"The grand total of mass matter and energy in the 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe' eternally equals zero ("0-point" infinite '0').

The begin of begin is infinity."

I'm open, but struggling to understand how does something that is not mass matter or energy arise from infinity? - an infinity of what? (apologies if I have taken this out of context).
"The grand total of mass matter and energy in the 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe' eternally equals zero ("0-point" infinite '0').

The begin of begin is infinity."

I'm open, but struggling to understand how does something that is not mass matter or energy arise from infinity? - an infinity of what? (apologies if I have taken this out of context).
Everywhere-land is Nowhere-land. Everything-ness is nothing-ness. An infinite density of an "Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe' is at once an infinite hole, infinite '0'. Drop the relative finite, and the difference between infinite and infinitesimal disappears. Finites, any finite, realizing infinities. Cancelation zeroes and leaves a relative finite result (somethingness from everythingness / nothingness) but does not disappear the infinity.

Then there is the event horizon, the superposition collapsed and closed up cosmological constant (/\) Big Background (BB) Horizon ((P) (BC) BB))! A higher energy energetically working superposition set of the infinity (the infinities of horizon universes (universe horizons), aka "original 'Creation'"! . . . though as you should tell from the above and many other posts, I see it differently! Interlocked, interacting, dual planes of energy macrocosmically modeling microcosmic quantum physics, a fundamental binary base2.
How big is a Big Bang from a quantum entangling nothing point having no relativity to anything else, thus having relativity to (altogether) everything else?!

About as big as the shock you get from a bit of static electricity. That means one heck of a lot of Planck level Horizon Big Crunches and Big Bangs from nothing and everything (thus, infinite, at once infinitesimal) points going on in a constant of immortal creation and recreation.

Put altogether, 'Unity' (unsigned '1') inexorably being divided internally in the box . . . and externally out of the box (both one and the same) . . . to infinity ((+1) (-1)) by 'Chaos' ('0').

Those who lack imagination, lack vision.
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The universe's magnetic field is relatively strong as can be . . . and relatively weak as can be . . . sizes and strengths are relative . . . relatively speaking, that is!

Universe-wise, time is an infinity of offset parallelism (times rather than time), the bi-polarity of time existing dually solely (sic) in entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant moment and in the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) set of the superposition Planck Horizon time (t='1' ('Unity')).


The "cosmic dawn" was always then, and in parallelism, "always then" is at once "always NOW"! The past of the universe at large is the future . . . The past and future of the universe at large is NOW.... Four-dimensional (t=+1 | t= -1 | t='1' | t='0')!
Dec 10, 2024
How big is a Big Bang from a quantum entangling nothing point having no relativity to anything else, thus having relativity to (altogether) everything else?!

About as big as the shock you get from a bit of static electricity. That means one heck of a lot of Planck level Horizon Big Crunches and Big Bangs from nothing and everything (thus, infinite, at once infinitesimal) points going on in a constant of immortal creation and recreation.

Put altogether, 'Unity' (unsigned '1') inexorably being divided internally in the box . . . and externally out of the box (both one and the same) . . . to infinity ((+1) (-1)) by 'Chaos' ('0').

Those who lack imagination, lack vision.

Why don't you share that vision in terms that most people here(?) might understand.

I get the +/-. more or less, bits, but not the something from nothing. Please show with clarity that something didn't always exist and your vision is more credible.
Why don't you share that vision in terms that most people here(?) might understand.

I get the +/-. more or less, bits, but not the something from nothing. Please show with clarity that something didn't always exist and your vision is more credible.
I don't expect you to go back over most of my posts so I don't expect you to understand me. I think most people here do who've read my postings. I've made pretty clear that nothing in the cosmic sense quite means what you might think it means or should mean (including "something from nothing" (something from nothingness meaning exactly the same as something from the hole, the void, the vacuum, of everythingness!)).

In the 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe' nothing is ever completely lost or gained. Or as noted historian Will Durant has said of history (histories), "history always repeats itself in large aspect though rarely if ever in small details." I disagree. Small details, as well as large aspect, is physics, and means it will repeat itself in every detail because it is pure physics, pure natural laws, in every bit of it, but won't ever repeat quite the same in the same line, of an infinity of lines, of history. I've realized over seventy-plus years of reading and studying history, no detail of history can be pinned down to exactitude anymore than a particle of quantum physics can be pinned down exactly to both position and velocity!

Neither Einstein nor any other physicist I know of, including my favorite Hawking, has understood that that the coordinate points light-time histories of SPACETIME cannot be pinned down in the universe off stage. That beyond a certain point close in the universe to the Earth observer, to any observer at any point, the quantum chaos of the principle of uncertainty asymptotically gravitationally smashes the positions and velocities, the magnitudes, of the observable universe map to bits. Put this together with "something from nothingness meaning exactly the same as something from the hole, the void, the vacuum, of everythingness!" ? Add: "....ever in motion and change (including dimensionalities) in space and time)!"
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Where is the light from the early Milky Way period? The middle Milky Way period? The later Milky Way period not here and now?

It can be found in steadily going away from the objective here and now Milky Way in the the light-time subjective progressively regressive periods of the Milky Way! The Milky Way when it wasn't the Milky Way as we know it here and now.

As the traveler travels away fast from the Solar System and the Milky Way, the two will be bending, curving, away more and more in SPACETIME past-future histories (t=+1) from any asymptotic straightaway path (future-past histories (t=-1)) the traveler is powering along in a constant of acceleration . . . eventually to disappear into a point of the Horizon infinity of horizon point universes (vectoring to point infinities in distant smooth as silk (so to speak) Horizon plane . . . no longer coarse grain chunky universe plane (so to speak)).

The point I'm making is the trail of crumbs, the trail of photonic photo-frame series, is always there to be followed all the way back (t=+1) to point of total dispersive loss in a completely different subject picture of changed universe as the traveler travels in an equal but opposite direction and magnitude of universe light-time picture, of SPACETIME, forward in future-past histories to an arrival wherever. There is always something there, though, in the subjective ((t=+1) (t=-1)) universe picture . . . there is the universally pervasive photonic (microcosmic) photo-frame (macrocosmic) energy to an infinite density: an infinite '0'-point hole, void, vacuum, of density! Fractal 'Cantor set'! Fractal 'Seirpinski carpet' / 'Mandelbrot set' / 'Flatland universe'! Fractal 'Menger sponge' folded to total surface and zero volume ("the grand total mass matter and energy of the universe equals zero")! Measurable mass matter and energy universally local-relative here and now finite everywhere here and now is (e=mc^2 (measurable!)).

You might call it, "Something from nothing" (e=mc^2 (measurable)). And/or, "Something from everything" (e=mc^2 (measurable)). "There is the universally pervasive photonic (microcosmic) photo-frame (macrocosmic) energy...!"
Time is a strange multi-dimensional:
It has four dimensions (t=+1), (t=-1). (t='1'), (t='0')
and/or three dimensions (t=+1), (t=-1), (t='1')
and/or two dimensions (t='1'), (t='0')
and/or one (t= SPACETIME'S finite '1' (Planck's 'Unity')) or (t= infinite '0'-point ('Chaos'), aka SPACE).

That last, SPACE, associating to entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW ('Creation' (at once 'Recreation')) (t=0) instant moment.
Dec 10, 2024
Thanks Atlan, and everybody else, for their inputs and insights across the threads, some of which goes way over my head - one persons journey is not anothers.

Here's hoping for a fruitful 2025!

Happy new year, one and all.
Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and.... Benoit B Mandelbrot, the Three and Four Musketeers:


To be continued and expanded upon . . . again, regarding the most fundamental primal of the universe as illustrated by the "Mandelbrot set!"
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To a black hole, there is in fact no hole (a 'mirror verse (+) anti-verse (-) event horizon"). The event horizon and the singularity are one and the same. A Menger 3-d sponge that in fact has no volume but folds down and into 1-d string-knot / 0-point on the order of:


There are two ways the Mandelbrot set runs, not one. Equal but opposite ways: 1.) infinite infinitesimal. 2.) Infinitesimal infinite.

If I were the universe traveler I would not choose the infinitesimal infinite, the mirror anti-verse (-) event horizon, I would chose the equal but opposing wormhole rather than the black hole, the infinite infinitesimal, the mirror multiverse (+) event horizon. Go inside-out universe rather than outside-in. Either way, though, omni-directional and omni-magnitudinous, the Mandelbrot set is illustrative of the fractal zooms structure of the universe.

The universe already reduces to mirror verse 0-d point and 1-d string, and goes up dimensionally from there. Therefore, therefrom, it should exist!

Mirror self-similarity:


A black hole has no 3-d interior. It isn't 3-d. It is verse-antiverse dipole-monopole singularity in horizon. What matter of universe it eats at the horizon, it bleeds chaotic photon energy from the horizon into the universe. Nothing more. Nothing less. Can you understand it?
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(I forgot Max Planck! I edited #997 to include!)

Doesn't anyone besides me and some other Chaos Theorists ever invert the inverse square law to a wrap around . . . a wrap into itself ("The perfect ending being an endless beginning") . . . each end, each plane, at once embedded into the other as a dipole-monopole, the ultimate destination and fate of Newton's laws and entropy?!


The universe isn't a one-way street! Neither is time! Neither is space!
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(mostly for the illustration to illustrate what I mean regarding 'Mirror (verse-antiverse) 0-point-d Event Horizon'!)

To a black hole, there is nothing beyond its dipole mirror event horizon monopole singularity!
((+1) (-1)) = 1/0
(((+1 ('verse')) (-1 (antiverse)) = '1' ('Unity') / '0' ('Chaos'))
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