From a drop of water....

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Aug 14, 2020
I'm still not sure how many understand, can understand, how actually the speed of light is measured, relatively speaking. It is measured by how fast the SPACETIME coordinate point photo-history (the photo-frame) travels backward in time equal but opposite to its source of emergence, the universe's (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0).


Aug 14, 2020
Must repeat . . . against the ever constant opposition to...!

The grand total mass and energy of the Cosmic All Cosmopolis equals zero; which I on my own call infinite zero (inclusive of infinitesimal zero, the division between the always distant two extremes existing only due to the measuring split of some relative local finite splitting them . . . which is something, versus everything and nothing; somewhere, versus everywhere and nowhere (Gk. u-topos (Utopia (Lt., if I remember correctly from my Durant's 'The Story of Civilization', Nusquam or Nusquama (meaning "not anywhere")))).

Thus "mass," and the mass equivalent "energy", is and are local relative finite (e=mc^2) only.

0-d point, 1-d string, 2-d flatland (as in the 'Mandelbrot set' or the Flatland infinities of quantum discrete quanta horizon universes (universe horizons)), are infinites. The universe was not "Once Upon A Magical Time 'Big Bang' Created" from any naked singularity at all! but is a constant of superpositioned closed up collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck grade (='1' ('Unity' unsigned)) (Big-little Crunch) (Big-Little Bang) 'Mirror Event Horizon (t='1') of infinities of horizon universes (universe horizons) . . . an 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe'.


"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.


Aug 14, 2020
If I had to put a description of SPACE into just the fewest words, I would say, "Multidimensional gravity is what defines and describes SPACE." Aka, hyperspace(s). There is no escaping it as the universally spongy (aethereal) environment of SPACE, thus is SPACE.


Aug 14, 2020
Ad#1053, a reminder:

As I see it, the vector direction of gravity, thus of SPACE, is always accelerating expansion to the infinitely open (opening) system, regardless of interferences, of walls, of blockages, of accelerating contractions, by oppositely opposed quantum physics. As I've said before, Newton's apple on the way to ground, if it could observe the vector, would have observed a system opening up from a point, not closing to a point.



Aug 14, 2020
Come to think of it, though, the norm of accelerating expansion in the universe is thermal expansion . . . thermal heat expansion . . . the thermal needing more, and ever more, space . . . to even out thermally.

That makes two, including gravity (#1054) to an infinitely open (opening) system. Or is it one and the same Horizon symmetry actually, I wonder?! Just turning outside-in, inside-out. Or is it inside-out, outside-in?! Whatever....

"Mirror, mirror...."
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Aug 14, 2020
"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.

Relatively speaking, the largest, most comprehensive, particles and groupings of particles of, in, particle physics are the bits of dust, pebbles, meteors, moons, planets, stars and galaxies (including universes (u)), and the waves of clustering -- quantum discrete quanta -- including cells and pyramidical cellular clustering of energetic life, of the model macrocosm (the macrocosm that models the microcosm . . . and vice-versa, the microcosm at small that models the macrocosm at large).
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Aug 14, 2020
"Repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

"He is the best sailor who can steer within fewest points of the wind and exact a motive power out of the greatest obstacles." -- Henry David Thoreau.

"The grand total of all mass and energy equals zero."
Physicists saw that the mass and energy of the universe is tending toward zero, and were nervous over the finding.
Stephen Hawking said what is there to be nervous about? It is zero and always has been zero.
An infinite cosmological and metaphysical density of Everything-ness (an 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U)') equals a hole, a void, a vacuum, of Nothingness.
It is amazing the quantity and quality of 'Creation' that constantly derives from Nothingness. What goes to Nothingness . . . and comes from Nothingness. Going to . . . and coming from.

"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.

"He is the best sailor who can steer within fewest points of the wind and exact a motive power out of the greatest obstacles." -- Henry David Thoreau.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.
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