From a drop of water....

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I'm still not sure how many understand, can understand, how actually the speed of light is measured, relatively speaking. It is measured by how fast the SPACETIME coordinate point photo-history (the photo-frame) travels backward in time equal but opposite to its source of emergence, the universe's (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0).
Must repeat . . . against the ever constant opposition to...!

The grand total mass and energy of the Cosmic All Cosmopolis equals zero; which I on my own call infinite zero (inclusive of infinitesimal zero, the division between the always distant two extremes existing only due to the measuring split of some relative local finite splitting them . . . which is something, versus everything and nothing; somewhere, versus everywhere and nowhere (Gk. u-topos (Utopia (Lt., if I remember correctly from my Durant's 'The Story of Civilization', Nusquam or Nusquama (meaning "not anywhere")))).

Thus "mass," and the mass equivalent "energy", is and are local relative finite (e=mc^2) only.

0-d point, 1-d string, 2-d flatland (as in the 'Mandelbrot set' or the Flatland infinities of quantum discrete quanta horizon universes (universe horizons)), are infinites. The universe was not "Once Upon A Magical Time 'Big Bang' Created" from any naked singularity at all! but is a constant of superpositioned closed up collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck grade (='1' ('Unity' unsigned)) (Big-little Crunch) (Big-Little Bang) 'Mirror Event Horizon (t='1') of infinities of horizon universes (universe horizons) . . . an 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe'.


"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
If I had to put a description of SPACE into just the fewest words, I would say, "Multidimensional gravity is what defines and describes SPACE." Aka, hyperspace(s). There is no escaping it as the universally spongy (aethereal) environment of SPACE, thus is SPACE.


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