With what I read here and there again and again I must press it again!
Time dilation is not a physic separate from SPACETIME's "distance-time"! The time it takes light's pictures to cover varying distances of space! Time dilation is a matter of the constant of the speed of light, as slow as it is covering the universe [ NOT local-relative ] developing coordinate points past-future histories (the "observable universe") behind the times of the entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) object universe!
"Time dilation" is part and parcel the picture map of the territory and the map is not the territory . . . is never the territory (to include any kind of travelers as intrinsically pieces of the territory the observable map at the constant of the speed of light cannot possibly keep up with at any increasing or decreasing distance in space . . . an always accelerating (going away) or decelerating (oncoming) difference in distance-time from the map (from the "observable universe"))!
Once more! Time dilation is not the unobservable reality of the territory, just the asymptotic reality of the local-relative observed map of the territory!
(Observable time dilation -->> Going away -->>)
(Observable time dilation <<-- Oncoming <<--)
The territory is never absolute to the time under observation at any distance by observers. Bespeaking "time dilation" is an attempt to make the observation of time at a distance the absolute of concurrent time with the observer's time at a distance! Differing object speeds is really differing local-relative magnitudes of universe . . . and the constant of the speed of light in a vacuum is physically constant to the magnitude throughout all the infinity of possible fractal zooms structure of universe magnitudes. The Heisenberg principle of uncertainty (principle of indeterminacy of velocities and/or positions) will apply!
Time dilation is not a physic separate from SPACETIME's "distance-time"! The time it takes light's pictures to cover varying distances of space! Time dilation is a matter of the constant of the speed of light, as slow as it is covering the universe [ NOT local-relative ] developing coordinate points past-future histories (the "observable universe") behind the times of the entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) object universe!
"Time dilation" is part and parcel the picture map of the territory and the map is not the territory . . . is never the territory (to include any kind of travelers as intrinsically pieces of the territory the observable map at the constant of the speed of light cannot possibly keep up with at any increasing or decreasing distance in space . . . an always accelerating (going away) or decelerating (oncoming) difference in distance-time from the map (from the "observable universe"))!
Once more! Time dilation is not the unobservable reality of the territory, just the asymptotic reality of the local-relative observed map of the territory!
(Observable time dilation -->> Going away -->>)

General topology - Wikipedia
The territory is never absolute to the time under observation at any distance by observers. Bespeaking "time dilation" is an attempt to make the observation of time at a distance the absolute of concurrent time with the observer's time at a distance! Differing object speeds is really differing local-relative magnitudes of universe . . . and the constant of the speed of light in a vacuum is physically constant to the magnitude throughout all the infinity of possible fractal zooms structure of universe magnitudes. The Heisenberg principle of uncertainty (principle of indeterminacy of velocities and/or positions) will apply!

Inverse-square law - Wikipedia
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