From a drop of water....

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With what I read here and there again and again I must press it again!

Time dilation is not a physic separate from SPACETIME's "distance-time"! The time it takes light's pictures to cover varying distances of space! Time dilation is a matter of the constant of the speed of light, as slow as it is covering the universe [ NOT local-relative ] developing coordinate points past-future histories (the "observable universe") behind the times of the entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) object universe!

"Time dilation" is part and parcel the picture map of the territory and the map is not the territory . . . is never the territory (to include any kind of travelers as intrinsically pieces of the territory the observable map at the constant of the speed of light cannot possibly keep up with at any increasing or decreasing distance in space . . . an always accelerating (going away) or decelerating (oncoming) difference in distance-time from the map (from the "observable universe"))!

Once more! Time dilation is not the unobservable reality of the territory, just the asymptotic reality of the local-relative observed map of the territory!

(Observable time dilation -->> Going away -->>)
(Observable time dilation <<-- Oncoming <<--)

The territory is never absolute to the time under observation at any distance by observers. Bespeaking "time dilation" is an attempt to make the observation of time at a distance the absolute of concurrent time with the observer's time at a distance! Differing object speeds is really differing local-relative magnitudes of universe . . . and the constant of the speed of light in a vacuum is physically constant to the magnitude throughout all the infinity of possible fractal zooms structure of universe magnitudes. The Heisenberg principle of uncertainty (principle of indeterminacy of velocities and/or positions) will apply!

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This belongs here to:

Referring to chained posts (#23 to #21, ...) in thread 'Past the speed of light':

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Two things I consider myself an expert in besides infinity, infinities, eternity, the offset circles of times (including a circle of radius), spontaneity, instantaneity, histories, cosmology, and metaphysics. Those two things: The 'Theory of Chaos' and, with it, the 'Science of Complexity'.
"(including the circle of radius)"
To me, a self-similarity in being....

"Please don't ask me about what I said before I knew better!" -- Albert Einstein.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.
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The above speaks to fractals going "arbitrarily small" as in reaching toward the infinitesimal. About face, so to speak, and the fractal will go arbitrarily large as in reaching toward the infinite.

Take away the finite middle, the relative, and there is no difference whatsoever except facing between infinite and infinitesimal. However infinite, turnabout face is toward infinitesimal. However infinitesimal, turnabout face is infinite.

So, both infinite and infinitesimal can be, and must be, fractal-realized to be within any finite . . . and vice-versa!
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I had this elsewhere but it belongs here also:

I can't remember if it was Kip Thorn or someone else, whom I read, said our current realization of physics, and our current mathematical descriptions, may not be good enough to describe the reality of the universe.
Time becomes amazingly simple when you realize it really begins and ends right now in the trunk middle ground always (entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant moment of all mass-energy (='0')).

Like the magnetic moment, the dipole moment, the past-future equatorial point is now ((t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0)) . . . the past is now ((t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0)) . . . the future is now ((t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0)).

As I have it, in league with closed up superposition "collapsed cosmological constant (/\) (P) (BC) (BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon' of the infinities of horizon universes (u) (universe horizons)," aka the 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe' (U), it makes for a solid base resultant {timeless forever} constant of fundamental physics and/or natural laws.

Time becomes amazingly simple when you realize it really begins and ends right now in the trunk middle ground always (entangling spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) instant moment of all mass-energy (='0')).
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The universe didn't just form 13.7 billion or 27 billion, or 46 billion, years ago, it has always been ending, always been forming . . . is always ending therefore always forming, a constant of ending, a constant of formation. A form of time reversal in a constant of time rounding. An infinity of lateral offsets of time rounding, of times (plural) rounding.

As we travel the stars, galaxies, and universes, if we manage breakout, birth, from this womb world, we will find that we are time traveling a long and wide belt of universe's holographical histories (past and future), of universe times, to some 'Deja-vu' of self-similarity in large aspect, even if not in small far more complex local-relative detail, while we are space traveling. Continuous 'Deja-vu', Stephen Hawking's "Life Zone" providing we, as life, bypass death traps enroute.

We will discover we are constantly going from old frontiers to far flung new younger frontiers, all the new younger frontiers invigorating Fountains of Youth in overall time reversal to higher energies regarding life, including the self-similar, overall, though not individual lives.
The SPACETIME traveler's continuity to destination arrivals to forward observers always right to left (<<---):
Departures, accelerating distance time (SPACETIME) expansion from observers -- invoking time dilation, left to right (-->>).

"Brevity may be the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." == Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
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Jan 2, 2024
The universe didn't just form 13.7 billion or 27 billion, or 46 billion, years ago, it has always been ending, always been forming . . . is always ending therefore always forming, a constant of ending, a constant of formation. A form of time reversal in a constant of time rounding. An infinity of lateral offsets of time rounding, of times (plural) rounding.
A sort of vibrating 'circular block universe'
Draw a line on a page. Is it zero dimensional or one dimensional . . . meaning is it in fact a fundamental binary base2 1-2-dimensional line or a 0-dimensional point?! If you observe a line rather than a point, it is 1-2-dimensional!

Is it two pointed, two ended, rather than a single point, single ended?!

Radius is 1-2-dimensional . . . there and back again.

The universe is minimally two end points . . . minimally two source points, here and there, inverse squaring from source point. Conversely, inversely, to a source point:

Some people obviously think the universe is single ended, single pointed, here only (Utopia Earth). But it is centered inside the box (centered inside the sphere) and off-centered outside the box (off-centered outside the sphere), quantum entangling points . . . a quantum entangling point (a very real strong interaction).

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.
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Time and temperature have similarity, along with other things having similarity to both:

((+1) (-1)) = 1/0.
((t=+1) (t=-1)).
(t= unsigned '1' (unity)).
(t='0' (+|-) (-|+)).
((+1) (-1)) = 1 (unity) / 0 ((+|-) (-|+)).

SPACETIME traveler traveling:
(past histories (t=+1) (-->>)).
(future histories (t=-1) (<<--)).
Departure points ((t=+1) (t=-1) (-->>))
Destination points ((t+1) (t=-1) (<<--))
Two clocks, two SPACETIMEs, two space-time travelers!
(-->>) Departures: Relativity breaks down. It broke down (-->>):
(<<--) Arrivals: Relativity builds up. It built up (<<--).
Once more: Two clocks, two SPACETIMEs, two space-time travelers!

And so on....

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.
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You can have all the right answers and a basic theory -- such as the Big Bang Theory as it stands -- still be wrong. The basic theory and all those right answers still having massive problems making sense. You build houses in Nowhere Land on nothingness alone . . . nothingness alone!!!! Alone!!!!

On the other hand, I, among some others, don't.
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Even I sometimes have trouble with the concept that something is and can be at one and the same time something else entirely.

Take for example, as I have it, the 'Infinite (multi-dimensional) MULTIVERSE Universe' (U) is at one and the same time an infinitely dense aethereal vacuum (the speed of light is constant in a vacuum) . . . is at one and the same time the "closed up superposition set collapsed cosmological constant (/\) (Planck) (Big Crunch) (Big Bang) 'Mirror Event Horizon (H)' of an infinity of horizon universes (u) (universe horizons (h))."

Or, that Chaos Theory, as I see it, will describe the above as a fundamental binary base2 fractal structure of universe, an ever rolling set, so to speak, of determinate coarse-grained chunky plane alternating with indeterminate smooth as silk plane . . . except that, as I see, the set overlays and inlays, embedding, one plane onto and into the other plane always, though they remain a fundamental binary base2 set . . . now plus the Trojan facet dimensionality of overlay and inlay. Altogether, 'Complexity' and 'Chaos's fractal zooms structure of Universe (U) and/or universes (u).

Even I sometimes have trouble with the concept that something is and can be at one and the same time something else entirely.

"From a drop of water, a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.
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Do you know what inexorable entropy is to the relative extremity of relative disorder? It is relative order . . . from a "strange attractor of chaos," disorder, comes a strange attractor of chaos, order!

Out of unity, disunity. Out of disunity, unity.


Thus, just like there is positive and negative energy, there is positive and negative entropy!
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I accidentally left out an all important cosmic element, the "aethereal," and had to edit it in:

"Take for example, as I have it, the 'Infinite (multi-dimensional) MULTIVERSE Universe' (U) is at one and the same time an infinitely dense aethereal vacuum (the speed of light is constant in a vacuum)...."

The aethereal: A "Schrodinger cat."
Speaking of multi-dimensionality in the above posts, besides elsewhere, where is the light of the histories of this our Milky Way galaxy?! Not the light of our Milky Way galaxy as is, the light of our Milky Way galaxy as was the last ten-billion and more years . . . plus the light of the Andromeda Galaxy, and others of our region, as was for each and every age of them going back 10 to 13 or so billion light years . . . if the light of distance, particularly great distance, is actually just reaching us?!

Oh, that's right, we traveled, and are traveling, SPACETIME faster than the speed of light! Yet history is supposed to be catching up with us, but for some reason not the light line, the red shift, going back of our own local histories! Or, is all of it -- all of it without exception! -- the light line, the red shift, that is, going backward in our own wake, that of us and our own local histories going back all those billions of years in a [processionary-recessionary] wake and well of red shifts?! Red shift independent of the universe at large.
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Continuing here from post #11 because I originated it, the concept as I realize it, here:

Life, including you and I, in and throughout the universes (u) originates as a countering force -- to certain universal negatives -- in and out from (deriving from) the fundamental 'Life Force'.

Some advanced, more jaded and declinist, life see life as a destroyer in the universes, but it is just the opposite of destroyer, the oppose to death by negative (versus positive) energies and the negative (versus the positive) of entropy . . . to the universes, that is.

If there is a primal force behind time reversal, the remaking of pottery broken, the refilling of a cup drained, the renewal of a life died, the rebirth and recreation of universes ending, it is a 'creative' positive order of energy and entropy, the top tip of the pyramid of forces, the apex fundamental Life Force.
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Copied over in whole because I think it is an good aside to the above post #966, among similar others further back:

I, for one, can distinguish the expansive immaterialism of the infinite mind from the the various material limits, contractive, of the finite brain. Depending upon the person, and whether the environmental vastness of a frontier is at hand, or at least the idea of one, such as America or the Maritime once upon a time, or a new and vastly greater maritime SPACE now, the latter can tract well to the former.
Many call them simply black holes, but a few think of them as deep state universes, and their event horizons, windows and gateways:


I envision the fastest way, the hard way, to escape the one we are in is by way of a long and continuous acceleration that shrinks enough space of the universe to do the job of escaping the magnitude of this black hole universe into the magnitude of another and greater magnitude of universe.

Or, on the other hand, in the other direction, a deceleration into the event horizon of one that accelerates it in expansion until you've passed the event horizon 'white hole' gate out of this universe and into another.

Of course, in acceleration / deceleration in either direction of magnitude, a requirement of traveling vertically universe to universe via black hole gateways would be to survive a realized supermassive debris field and a lot of radiation.

Because of the immediate above fields, a traveler in his super ship has to keep going as he has been going until he arrives to the mid-life zone of whatever universe he now finds himself in. He's been moving through . . . doing . . . Chaos's fractal zooms structure of horizon universe infinitely vertically -- crashing the gates -- rather than by easier stages riding, surfing, zooming, the horizon to infinity horizontally.

There is nothing so much fun to play with as an 'Infinite (multi-dimensional) MULTIVERSE Universe'!
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Einstein played with a bare bones three dimensions of space plus one dimension of time as the fourth dimension of space, thus his vision of SPACETIME.

I've realized and described the geometry as three to four dimensions of time and one to two dimensions of space (hyperspace), the "aethereal," as I have it, "string" and/or extended "superstring." The radius from the center point of infinities (here; everywhere here is) to the superposition point(s) of collapsed cosmological constant (/\) (P) (BC) (BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon'.... as I have often interpreted and described here and elsewhere. One and the same string (strings of SPACE (hyperspace)), both microcosmic to an infinitesimal and macrocosmic to an infinite (no real difference).

For example:
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The straightest line, asymptotic, versus line curvature including force curvature, there is that defies all curvature is the tunneling wormhole effect of a microcosmic and/or macrocosmic quantum entanglement ("spooky action at a distance" ("shortest distance between any two points")). The straighter and ever straighter the line, the greater and ever greater it contracts in on itself in space and time (one example being in baseball, a pitcher's rising, or riding, fastball, defying distance of curvature across the distance to the plate; denying time to the same distance).

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"Brevity may the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.


Bring into the microscopic-macroscopic picture Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty concerning position and velocity in space and time and Cantor's set and space, as well as Einstein's observer's loss to time dilation in distance expansion, on the one hand, and another observer's gain from a reversal of time dilation in distance contraction on the other hand, of relativity.

I get there to my pictures and realizations not from just one path! I don't care to be positioned under a Damocles sword hanging upon a single all too thin thread if I can help it. I prefer the brute force of a broader, deeper, front of at least two to three varying mutually supportive and confirming spokes arriving to whatever the hub.
Again, and again into the breach! "Deja vu all over again," as baseball great Yogi Berra once put it!

Yet again I feel the necessity to enclose this within this thread for further background confirmation of some of the Cosmology I model and/or I simply speak to...:



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