From a drop of water....

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The simplest and least understood thing about the infinities of universes is that eternally they are spontaneously recreating themselves new every instant of time. If there is magic to the cosmopolis, that is it . . . and it is not relative but quantum.
#876 continued:

How can a universe continuously be new (continuously be renewing) yet have past-future histories (SPACETIME)?! When it is two paralleling universes, one that is SPACETIME relative, observed and observable, and the other that isn't!
I woke up in the middle of the night to the realization, to the physical fact, that no force overrides the sheer existence of the microcosmic, at once macrocosmic, fundamentality of "set and reset," a strong suit of the 'strong interaction'!!!!

The 'strong suit' too many professional physicists try to limit to the microcosm alone while trying constantly to project "heat death" (death in "deep freeze") on the overall cosmopolis! I, on the other hand, along with some few others, have the microcosm at small, beyond local relativity, modeling the macrocosm at large, beyond local relativity . . . and vice-versa!

Then there is the always discounted, by many, "Life Force" and "Life Zone" (Stephen Hawking envisioned plurality of "zones") of the universes....

"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn
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There is a theory that a Singularity forms and nothing can escape its hold on all matter and EMR.

All Condensates have a property.
Chiral Super-Symmetry Dipolar Electro-magnetic, forming Vector Vortices and a CORE that attracts matter and all.

So! Singularity can never form.
There is a theory that a Singularity forms and nothing can escape its hold on all matter and EMR.

All Condensates have a property.
Chiral Super-Symmetry Dipolar Electro-magnetic, forming Vector Vortices and a CORE that attracts matter and all.

So! Singularity can never form.
Infinity in all its forms doesn't "form" (in all its infinities of pointedly singular forms . . . never 'forms')!
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Post #869 to be continued:

So even the 1-dimensional thinker is [in on] one dimension of an always crossing equal but opposed concurrent multi-dimensional entity:

Thinking about my picturing, my modeling, of "the closed up superposition collapsed cosmological constant (/\) Planck (BC) (BB) 'Mirror Event Horizon' of an infinity of horizon universes (the Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U))" . . . always in time reversal to the horizon constancy of the Plank units, particularly in this case, the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) unit -- and universality -- of the "Planck heat" (death BY heat)!

I repeat: So even the 1-dimensional thinker is [in on] one dimension of an always crossing equal but opposed concurrent multi-dimensional entity.

"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn.
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I decided I have to point this repetition out here in continuing rather than copying the whole over...!



SPACE equals:

Stephen Hawking's meta-physical cosmological "opinion!" : "Grand Central Station of the Universe (U)" overhung with a centrally located special clock having an eternal singularity of clock time (t=0) underneath which all things and all life passes while never surpassing the apex summit (t=0).


Atlan0001's analogue (and meta-physical cosmological "opinion" (and picture modeling)!) : "Timelessly 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U)'."

Fronted by:

Atlan0001's meta-physical cosmological "opinion" (and picture modeling)!: Entangled, entangling, spontaneously concurrent (t=0) REALTIME NOW (t=0) trunk-instant moment of new universe (u) creation (horizon universes (u) (universe (u) horizons) always RECREATIVE (always in RECREATION)). Always the 'door' and/or 'window' opening before (future histories t=-1) . . . and closing behind (past histories t=+1).
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I came across a video entitled "The End of the Universe." It started out with, "The universe was small and dense...."

Really laughable as far as I'm concerned, because I have it in my picture modeling that that particular "zone" of cosmopolis is always really small and dense, including deep within each and every particle making up each and every one of us, at the far, far plane deep of the collapsed cosmological constant (/\) -- universal -- Planck (BC) (BB) Horizon!

Precisely the same collapsed cosmological constant (/\) -- universal -- Planck (BC) (BB)Horizon . . . always! Seemingly in two places at once but actually a singularity in just one place quantum entangling across space and time and dimensions with itself:

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A response there, I feel it a strengthening link in the chain here:

In all my more than seventy years interest in and study of history, I've realized that it isn't as certain as the record of it. Even the best histories I've read (such as Will Durant's, Edward Gibbon's, etc.,) are novel stories. So are SPACETIME's recorded coordinate points past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) in fact after the instantaneous moment of REALTIME NOW (t=0) creation, become Heisenberg uncertainties and Schrodinger cats.
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Occasionally over my long life of wide reading and study I've come upon the descriptive entities of "infinite zero", "infinitesimal zero", and "infinity of zero." A working part of two careers has been in computers and communications, having working association with binary base2, '0' and/or '1', which I've also seen streaming in movies as if they (as physical information) were replacing quantum particles in the scheme of things. I'm long used to '0' meaning something besides nothing . . . and that something real, as far as I'm concerned, is that it, '0', numbers 'infinity' (infinity, infinite, infinitesimal....) in the round ( ∞ ).

So, too, when I mention an infinite density anywhere in my posts, at the same time I am mentioning an infinite hole, void, vacuum....

I know several of you have heard or read the term "coming from out of nowhere," or "something from out of nothing at all." Infinite '0'. Infinitesimal '0'. Infinity of '0'. A density of the Cosmic All always existing greater (therefore hotter), and at once lesser (therefore colder), than we can ever even conceive of! An 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe'!
Ad #888:

The grand total mass and energy equals zero . . . as Stephen Hawking wrote that it should. Not tomorrow, now!

It takes the negative (-) to get the positive (+) to a neutrality (infinite '0'). And from out of neutrality (infinite '0')....
It shouldn't take a lot of brains to understand the constant of equivalency. That as energy increases in a universe, so does mass, and so does matter, maintaining triune-neutral equivalency of universe. Zero difference ("coming from out of nowhere") ("something from out of nothing").

The only thing that doesn't exist -- as usually defined -- regarding the universe is "nothing." Nothingness equals everything-ness, equals somethingness, equals 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U)' of infinities of paralleling horizon universes (u) (universe horizons)!

1.) Where does the energy come from?!
2.) Where does the mass come from?!
3.) Where does the matter come from?!

The infinite '0' of everywhere and, thus nowhere in particular at all (everything and, thus nothing in particular at all) . . . 'Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe'!
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Sometimes you realize you've made a big mistake, leaving out something important in being in a hurry, which I did in my answer to my questions above and now corrected to read, " particular...."!
1. where does energy come from? Acceleration. Perpetual acceleration. I know, science says that there is no such thing. But all energy comes from acceleration and all matter is in perpetual motion.

The perpetual motion, the perpetual acceleration of matter comes from the self repulsive property and quality of ALL electric fields. This repulsive force and potential is the prime driver and primordial force of this cosmos. All motion comes from this.

2. where does mass come from? Mass, that is inertia, is just the angular acceleration of matter. This internal acceleration is what resist and delays external acceleration. Inertia. Inertia locks in quantum steps.

3. where does matter come from? Matter is e. I have no idea of where it comes from. But it comes in just one quantum amount. And it comes in pairs. One left handed and one right handed. Left and right appear to be a law and a principle.

e rotates and has an EM field around it. It interacts thru that field. A portion of that field can also be emitted. And e can also absorb other emitted fields. This is the only physicality that there is.

Just two matter ingredients. And their fields. In an empty square space.

Newton said an object at constant velocity will continue until acted upon. Why not a spin? A spin can do the same at certain quantum spins. Linear perpetual motion can be any speed. But angular perpetual motion can only happen at quantum speeds. A selective set of speeds. And I am referring to self spin, not orbital spin.

Just 2 cents.
Matter is the low energy plane of high/low energy.

Fractal zooms structural planes of universes:

1.) Go with the grain, smooth as silk (so to speak)..
2.) go against the grain, coarse grain chunky (so to speak).
3.) Best example, time and time reversal. Which (go with / go against) is which?!

Schrodinger cat:
((+1) (-1)) = 1/0 . . . '1', the cat. I (infinitely) zeroed ('0'd) in on the cat!

1.) E=mc^2.
2.) (de)=(dm)c^2.
3.) Mass and energy are equivalent. C^2 tells us nothing more nor less than that mass and energy are equivalent . . . the whole point of the equation.

I repeat: Matter (+) is the low energy plane (of fractal zooms planes) of high/low energy. Antimatter (-), the dark twin equal but opposite (I make "the strange attractor of chaos"), probably not!

To be continued (as usual)....

"From a drop of water, the logician could infer an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other...." -- 'Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet', by Arthur Canon Doyle.

"Brevity may the soul of wit but repetition is the heart of instruction." -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.
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Continuing and expanding #893:

Dark energy doesn't override gravity because dark energy is gravity to the infinities of universes (to the open -- the opening accelerating in expansion-- system). To the 'infinite MULTIVERSE Universe'.

No physicist, even Einstein, has been able to finally clear, clean, gravity of its infinities, infinite and/or infinitesimal (ultimately actually, one and the same). Nor of its many higher and lower fractal dimensions. You want a closed system, a closing system, of universe, go to the microcosmic / macrocosmic vectoring scales of the magnetic fields, the electro-magnetic fields and electro-weak fields.

Gravity is in fact, I've realized, directly opposed to the closed system; the closing system accelerating in contraction! Every time in a flight landing, I've seen that ground opening up before me, or the window- gate of the sky opening, I was sensing gravity in accelerating expansion to the opening system. Newton's apple might have been stopped dead by the quantum mechanics of the ground, but it was bound for the accelerating expansion of the open system, accelerating to the outer reaches of the infinities, before it was blocked from achieving it by the onion layers (the Gordian Knots) of the magnetic bubbles always curving to and into the equatorial flatlands (the equatorial Flatland) of the universe.
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Repetition expressed yet another way:

Contraction, as in local-relative accelerating contractions of a local-relative SPACE and SPACETIME universe (developing a soliton bubble wave), is a matter not of open systemic gravity (accelerating expansionism to infinity, infinite and infinitesimal (Heisenberg uncertainty principle with twists)) but of antigravitational micro- and macro-cosmic electrodynamics. A matter of electrodynamic universes (electric universes (aka finite -- discrete quanta -- "observable universes")).
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The infinite density of the Infinite MULTIVERSE Universe (U) covers what?!

Answer: Coordinate points past-future histories ((t=+1) (t=-1)) SPACETIME (photon - dark photon - photino) photo-frame hologram holography . . . mass energy to mass matter (high to low energy) / mass matter to mass energy (low to high energy). The grand Cosmic All total of mass and energy has been reckoned to equal (+|-) zero ('0'). Infinitely dense zero ('0') . . . Infinite zero (infinite '0' ('1' (one : universe) is a box / boxed finite))!

Some, rather many, still do not understand either 'set' (Particularly including 'infinite set') or 'placeholding', much less superposition / super-positioning!
It doesn't take too much power of thought as to what curves space other than the Gordian Knot onion layers of electrodynamics . . . microcosmic and macrocosmic (electrodynamics can bend a solar system around a star or a galaxy around a supermassive black hole).

Oops, I mean as to what asymptotically curves away, or curves to, at or from a distance, in space! Time!


If one didn't know better, one could say it, curve away / curve to, is tachyon speed caused (the speed of light being so slow "at-a-distance" and ever more distant (changing), faster and faster "at distance" changing oncoming . . . if one didn't know better. One could say distance effects the time of the speed of light constant trying to cross the lengthening or shortening divide, curving away from the straight of the arrow or curving to the straight of the arrow.
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Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (position and velocity):

We are fairly certain of our Milky Way's relative position in the universe . . . at the center of the universe.

We know it has a closing velocity with the Andromeda. A problematic question I don't really expect any thing like a knowledgeable answer to (due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle), but here it is for purpose of thought: What is the Milky Way's velocity with respect to the rest of the universe . . . its velocity -- possibly a direction and magnitude vector velocity -- through the universe?! Or is simply falling in acceleration with respect to the rest of the universe toward the bottom of a well?! If so, what is the acceleration speed of the fall, per second per second?!

Or is it falling out of one universe at a speed of acceleration into some other universe at the bottom of that possible well?! Still, if so, what is that velocity, the would-be increase in velocity of that fall away into a magnitudinously (sic) big well?
The "immediate" universe (u) and universes, rogue-independent, soliton-solitary bubble-waves, microcosmic-macrocosmic scaling to infinities quantum discrete quanta Planck measure spaces and times!

To be cont'd, maybe.


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