GCSP Website <br /><br />The 2008 Grand Canyon Star Party (GCSP) will be held from June 21 through 28th on the South Rim in northern Arizona's Grand Canyon National Park. All amateur astronomers and the interested public of all ages are invited! Bring your telescope and enjoy the camaraderie. But you don't have to have a telescope to come and enjoy the beautiful Arizona night skies. You DO need to reserve a room or campsite and make your travel arrangements early.<br /><br />This is designed to be a public event, and if you want to do photography or CCD imaging, this may not be the event for you.<br /><br />I made my reservations in Trailer Village today.<br /><br />There will no longer be a North Rim version of the event due to space restraints. However, Jane Houston Jones has expressed an interest in starting up a star party at the Kaibab Lodge near the north entrance of the Park. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font size="1" color="#3366ff">www.siriuslookers.org</font> </div>