I used the MOL as reference only for dimensional purposes, it was part and parcle to the Gemini legened, sort of speak, and I thought it would trigger a size image in everyone's mind. Of course the interior would be "civilian-ized" as the original was intended as a military recon vehicle. <br /><br />MOL had its own rcs and propulshion systems, abet somewhat less capable than is possible today. Further by using the "tug" concept a pilot could do his or her own flights/missions. Not unlike the agena was envisioned for the original. <br /><br />Reading some of the posts here, I sort of get the impression that the aim is more or less toward designing the "Cessna of Space" simple, easy to fly, and cheap to keep. I think given the advanced state of avionics and computers today the New Gemini could easily be a single pilot spacecraft.<br /><br />Imagine the thrill of piloting a spacecraft to certian point in space. And see something oh lets say like Hubble hanging there in space a short distance out your window. <br /><br />It's simply a case of "This is what we've got. Now what can we do with what we've got?"