Gravitational Waves- Are any Rogue Waves possible?

Jan 2, 2024
A scary thought. Rogue waves have become better understood out in our seas. They sink ships. A mechanism that seems to emerge from the chaos of waves at various angles (not clearly understood by me but anyway).

NB. Waves would become pinnacles popping in and out if the universe were bounded.

I can imagine that within a galaxy, especially local to a black hole(s) there would be a chaotic collection of gravitational waves, like a choppy sea. But give the system some wind (black holes merging or say supernovae) and gravitational waves may grow, possibly interacting with other gravitational waves.
So, the possibility arises of standing waves and rouge waves. Ok, a bit of a wobble is survivable but what is scary is if a wave crest breaks?

The basis for a new Disaster Movie. Distant galaxies disappear etc
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If a black hole wandered near the Solar System, the gravity wave could disrupt all the orbits of the planets. It could be catastrophic. As for black hole mergers and their pulsing waves, they're just too far away to affect us.


Aug 14, 2020
If a black hole wandered near the Solar System, the gravity wave could disrupt all the orbits of the planets. It could be catastrophic. As for black hole mergers and their pulsing waves, they're just too far away to affect us.
Well, actually that 'is' true, and it 'isn't'. There are no limits to the reach of gravity, all told (altogether), as it is -- as I term it -- "emergent SPACE (emergent gravity)." But . . . the tree in the limitless forest of trees will have its limits regardless of the fact that the limitless forest, as the limitless forest in turn, is and will be in each and every tree having limits.

It's just too bad, Bill, that are so many who can't, and willfully won't, understand Schrodinger or fundamental binary base2 ('0' ('null unity' (negative entropy, the closed systemic)) and/or '1' ('unity' (positive entropy, the open systemic))). It is the open systemic, the accelerating expansion to open system, that 'unifies' the system at large, thus 'universe' . . . regardless of how counterintuitive that might seem!

You might call the individual, as an individual, in its 'individuality', a "rogue wave" among countless rogue waves! The very reason we, among other things, can exist and move largely individually, at all! "But . . . the tree...." (again).
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