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<span>The Universe is actually gravitons, and gravitons are the beginning and the end of Space. Their atomic weight is ridiculous, because they are spatial abstraction. They have no size, no weight; their temperature is a complete zero and their spectrum black. <br />Einstein said that space is curved, and as far as I know he never explained why, and the reason why it is curved is because the Universe is overstrained and that is why the curving of the space occurs. The results are anomalies during which in certain overstrained centers there comes to a break of gravitons, which are actually building blocks of atoms. Gravitons are also a media through which all vibrations i.e. radiations are being transmitted, light and other radiations. Due to Space being curved measuring the galactic distances via red shift no longer corresponds to the real situation. The astronomers claim that at a certain distance of light years the Universe stops and there is nothing but empty space further. But that is not correct because further on there are also galaxies but their lights just have not reached us yet. There is also a theory based on the background radiation discovery, as well as the theory on temperature differences that allegedly support the Big Bang theory. But those two things actually support a totally different thing; and that is that the galaxies are constantly being created in space. Big Bang explosion, i.e. pre-atoms would need to have created incredible temperature, as well as the pressure, in which case we would not exist today. It is well known that the percentage of hydrogen in space is about 99%, and in such a Bang would be 99% before Uranium. And thus the creation of the planets around the Sun happened in no dust condensing, but it is a work of the collision of stars, which we might be able to notice today hiding behind the cloud called Horse Head. From such cloud blocks are flying into space capturing with their gravity hydrogen balls like our Sun. And that is how the planetary systems are created. Venus arrived to our planetary system much later and it is still getting cold. In the far future Venus will be much like our planet. The comets are deriving from the same area, our star captures some, and some go rushing into open Space. I have sent this theory in 1983 to Carl Sagan and have complemented certain parts of it, as for instance temperature differences and background radiation. <br />The core of the galaxies is water i.e. ice. <br />The formula is (graviton) A+ (energy) <br />BC (matter) <br />That is the formula of creating the hydrogen with cold fusion, <br />ie creation of matter, <br />ie space <br />ie galaxies. </span>
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