If space is curved around the sun, how can planets orbit in the same plane ?

May 18, 2024
This is physically IMPOSSIBLE, as a plane is FLAT not curved! And a curved space cannot suddenly become FLAT, like the orbital plane in which all planets revolve !

This is how the planets should orbit if space was curved. They are clearly not in the same flat plane. Because obviously there is no such plane in a curved space. DOOOH !

Even I, not well read, upon reading about spacetime, always thought that the trampoline model was a terrible example and only cause MORE misconception and argument.

I think I can understand the concept, it's just that I don't believe one word of it. I don't believe the basic postulates of it.

I believe it to exist only between the ears.

That's where we all exist.
The trampoline is a static representation of the field, thus not a dynamic model.

All initial protostellar clouds have some rotation. As particles move inward, they gain speed, in accord with the conservation of angular momentum.

The dynamics of the trillions of particles swirling around cause them to eventually form something that can be called a disk (plane).

This model, I think, was mostly credit to Kant, and supported in math by Laplace. But it was soon realized that the gain in speed from particles falling inward would be up to 20 orders (10^20) in velocity. So Laplace and mainstream science rejected the disk model for other models.

The discovery by IR telescopes of other disks and bipolar jets, along with better modeling of MHD (magneto hydrodynamics) restored that old model.
How fast can you accelerate a dipole? A H1 atom?

There are no dipoles or neutrons in the solar wind. Maybe a rare, net charge He nucleus.

Problem is, both charges are being accelerated in the same direction. HOW? Charges change direction with E or M polarity.

And these accelerated charges do not interact with one another. WHY NOT?

Do you believe that dipoles could stay together at those velocities. Where there appears to be NO EM bonding? And accelerates AWAY from gravity. Some kind of gravity repulsion. This acceleration continues thru out our whole solar system. Not knowing where this ends. For eons.

Something is very very wrong here. With our concept of matter and gravity. And EM fields.

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