Question gravitons

May 8, 2020
I would say gravitons don't exist ,
they are some theoretical example of a group who have lost their minds in research into gravity.
I have submitted work to the gravitational foundation on gravitation and could offer you my view on this matter.
May 8, 2020
but to answer the question graviton are a sub atomic particles considered the key point in gravity. it is however still a theoretical stance as .lets face it no-one has done of proved anything for 70 years in research. I have submitted my paper to the American gravitation foundation and await a reply of who wins this year.
May 11, 2020
if gravitons are subatomic particles how can it escape from black hole because nothing escapes from it. and create a gravitational field around it
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May 11, 2020
I would say gravitons don't exist ,
they are some theoretical example of a group who have lost their minds in research into gravity.
I have submitted work to the gravitational foundation on gravitation and could offer you my view on this matter.
plz reply your view on it
May 11, 2020
I would say gravitons don't exist ,
they are some theoretical example of a group who have lost their minds in research into gravity.
I have submitted work to the gravitational foundation on gravitation and could offer you my view on this matter.
if gravitons doesn't exist how a gravitational field propagates and what is the nature of this force


Apr 3, 2020
but to answer the question graviton are a sub atomic particles considered the key point in gravity. it is however still a theoretical stance as .lets face it no-one has done of proved anything for 70 years in research. I have submitted my paper to the American gravitation foundation and await a reply of who wins this year.
Can you share some of your sources and insights into gravitons then?
Nov 20, 2019
what are gravitons and what are there relations with gravity
IMO mass proper is a graviton - graviton being a boson -, as gravity may well be the rest of the final change of phase/state of energy into strong and electroweak generated forces by its "descaling", with no other kind of energy resting to produce bosons or anything than leptons and fermions/baryons
Mar 5, 2020
Gravitons are another facet of the problem between quantum physics and gravity. The Standard Model and gravity might as well be talking different languages.

From what I can tell particle physics does not incorporate space-time or the gravitational field. The gravitational field does not mathematically arise/exist in the standard model so they created the graviton to replace it (that logical omission makes the entire Standard Model suspect). The standard model is supposedly successful though I suspect it is a complicated form of the epicycle theory of planetary motion. It mathematically works only because of coincidence; it describes without explaining.

I take a literal view of space-time and that the gravitational field represents a gradient in time. That space is the origin/source of time. Time represents the missing “ether“ or temporal field which transmits forces between masses in space. A gradient in time produces forces on masses (time is slower near a mass).

I suggest that quantum effects arise because time comes in discreet volumes at the scale of particles. These discreet volumes pixelate and fragment motion at the atomic level.

Time as a physical phenomenon, separate from matter, gives rise to models that work in both regimes. The term t is a complicated phenomenon which can be expanded to replace theoretical mathematical constructs with actual physically existent space-time properties.

Gravitons are a fictional particle in the Graphic Novel called The Standard Model. A modern reincarnation of Kepler should be along shortly to make quick work of The Standard Model.


"Don't criticize what you can't understand..."
Apr 5, 2020
It's really, really impossible for gravitons to exist. Because, you know, if gravitons do exist, then each particle will emit infinite number of particles of gravitons each division of time. And, light and graviton will become a kind of same particles. And, maybe in the end, the whole graviton theory will become like light, it is neither a particle nor a wave. And, the whole Physics go haywire.

That is why Relativity is really better than this theory. Gravity is a convex curve in spacetime caused by mass of matter. It is an easy, but still fantastic theory proposed by Einstein. And, as days pass by, the theory goes stronger and more stronger. It seems that the time for the war is near.
Mar 19, 2020
if gravitons are subatomic particles how can it escape from black hole because nothing escapes from it. and create a gravitational field around it

This is a very reasonable consideration from mazhar ali. Gravitons are believed, by some Standard Model freaks, to be elementary particles (EPs) which mediate gravity, and apparently at infinite distance since gravitational fields (GFs) are essentially infinite, but field strengths drop as the square of the distance, like most radiation. These GFs also propagate at the speed of light, like all electromagnetic radiation. If gravitons exist, they would have to have some similar characteristics to photons at the very least, one would think. And photons surely exist without doubt, and are themselves EPs.

So gravitons would have to "escape" from a black hole? This assumes that they are formed within or at the surface of an object with mass. There are examples where this seems to be contradicted. Light cannot escape from a black hole, or so we are told. But light also has no mass, so how can it be trapped in a black hole? I suspect the mass-energy equivalence of light may have something to do with this.

So suggesting that gravitons establish a GF around a black hole would put very serious constraints on the their nature. That should not be a serious problem since there are so many things out there that do happen regardless of constraints. Neutrinos are almost unimaginable, but most Standard Modelers accept them. Indeed, it seems their existence is without a doubt.

Since no one has a clue as to how mass generates GFs, the graviton must still be in the running. Look at all the other unique things that EPs give us. All of the quarks, gluons, electrons, photons, neutrinos, etc., and the most recent, the Higgs Boson. That one took the LHC to find. Perhaps with enough effort, and maybe a bigger collider, something will come out to provide evidence for the graviton. It would seem like everything can be boiled down to EPs. For those like me who know very little about gravitons, I will give them a 50:50 chance of existing, and a much lower chance of ever being detected.

If they do exist, it would seem they would have a very tenuous nature, to say the least.....
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