Gravity, Propulsion

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If you take a cubic portion of space, and place Earth in it's center, (a cube with a ball suspeneded at its center) is gravity the effect of that seperation in space created by the earth's mass? And further, is the pull created on the western most side pulling through the earth and into space on the eastern side (as far as earth's gravitational pull reaches)?<br /><br />Back to the cube. If you take the same cubic portion of water and place a ball in it, is the water exterting this same type of force on the ball? If so are forces of cohesion and gravity related?<br /><br />If gravity is exterted on or by masses in fluid enviornments, is motion through these enviornments using gravity dependent on being able to simulate the existence of a sufficient size mass in the appropriate location?


The strength of Cohesion is dependant on the intramolecular bonds of a subbstance. This dictates its viscosity. Gravity however is not dependant on itramolecular forces. The two are not related.<br /><br />If you wanted to use cohesion as analogy to the other that would be difficult because cohesion only refers to a liquids ability to attract itself. Spacetime does not be said or not to have this ability. If anything though it tends to spread out.<br /><br />If however you think that spacetime is attracted to the object like the water is to the ball you are refering to adhesion. And even this is a stretch to dictate the movements of space.<br /><br /><br /><font color="yellow">Oh and I almost forgot. Welcome to SDC. <font color="white"><br />You ask good questions with analogies. I like people who ask questions with analogies, but many time those can be bad analogies however witha little more knowledge of the principles behind analogies you can be great. So don't fear asking more questions. That's what were here for <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /></font></font> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div>________________________________________ <br /></div><div><ul><li><font color="#008000"><em>your move...</em></font></li></ul></div> </div>
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