What is the Cosmic Balance? Why do we see motions in reverse like black holes pushing and instead of galaxies being pushed away, it is attracted?

Oct 11, 2024
Our universe is an amazing and very confusing. Thinking about matter that gravitationally works in reverse to normal gravity could help resolve outstanding mysteries in cosmology. We observe this behavior with black holes(pushes on a galaxy and it is attracted and not pushed away), Neutron stars(can be a collapsed star with normal gravity or turn into a Neutron star attracting matter and not pushing it away) and “Dark Matter/Dark Energy we see, but what is it? The idea that matter could come toward you when you push it away, or that it could rise freely against the pull of the Earth’s gravity certainly sounds outrageous, but this is what we observe over and over. In the everyday world, when an object is pushed, it accelerates in the same direction as the force applied to it(normal gravity); this relationship is described by Isaac Newton's Second Law of Motion. So why do we see motions in the universe that go against these laws or work in reverse? What can explain what we see?

So how does this Cosmic Balance work then?

When two positive energies collide, a Higgs field is created under positive influence and that causes normal gravity, time to flow in clockwise direction and under normal gravity to flow forward, the Higgs field causes the energies to spin in a clockwise motion (which is in the positive direction assigning positive mass), the frequency determines the mass weight assigned and then the field disappears and it creates positive mass, thus giving off photons and binding matter together. Normal gravity causes the electromagnetic field to encompass galaxies holding matter, also pulls mass down thus creating pulsars giving off millions of photons.

When two negative energies collide and a Higgs field is created it is under negative influence, gravity is in reverse, time flow is reversed in a counter clockwise motion and it causes the two energies to spin counterclockwise producing flow in a negative direction which assigns negative mass, the field disappears and the energies are now negative mass working in reverse, the field absorbs and no photon is given off. Since this is reverse gravity, when a particle pushes another negative mass particle the force is pushed back towards the particle thus holding them together until such time that the gravitational pull is so strong that a black hole is formed. Reverse gravity has an upward trajectory which is why you see the arch stretching upwards above the event horizon. In the case of a neutron star, the body of a star collapses from losing all of the electrons so matter falls until collision, at which point the Higgs field appears and if it’s under the influence of positive energy it becomes just a collapsed star, but if the field is negative it then becomes a neutron star.

The Higgs field is determined based on energies present at the moment of collision. Under positive energies EM is positive, gravity runs forward, time runs forward, direction of energies spin is clockwise assigning positive mass. Under negative energies the Higgs fields EM is negative, gravity flows in reverse and time is reversed and energies spin is counterclockwise providing negative mass. It determines gravities direction of flow, energies spin either forward or reverse to assign mass and time flows either forward or in reverse all based on the field created.

So what is the dark matter we see?

When a galaxy is pushed by negative mass, it attracts it in the same way as a black hole meaning that gravity is in reverse so pushing on an object causes attraction, however the negative mass has not grown strong enough to create conditions for a black hole to occur. This takes the size of the negative mass to reach a point when negative EM field is so strong that a black hole is created. When the galaxy approaches negative mass, the negative mass has a negative electromagnetic field in which as charges change, the field absorbs the photon and it is not given off. There is a change in charges, so photons are giving off in a positive EM field, but not in the negative EM field. What we are seeing is dark electrons in a negative electromagnetic field that through a telescope appears to be matter. Sound waves have been measured to be negative mass, they have an upward trajectory because gravity is in reverse and no photons are given off because they were absorbed by the negative EM field, thus appearing to be dark.

1 – Scientist’s create Negative Mass, behaves in reverse from Newton’s Laws.

Physicists have created a fluid with "negative mass", which accelerates towards you when pushed, which is opposite from Newton’s Law, and is stable (1). Colleagues cooled rubidium atoms to just above the temperature of absolute zero (close to -273C), creating what's known as a Bose-Einstein condensate. In this state, particles move extremely slowly, and follow behavior predicted by quantum mechanics, acting like waves. To create the conditions for negative mass, the researchers used lasers to trap the rubidium atoms and to kick them back and forth, changing the way they spin. When the atoms were released from the laser trap, they expanded, with some displaying negative mass. "With negative mass, if you push something, it accelerates toward you," said co-author Michael Forbes, assistant professor of physics at WSU. "What's a first here is the exquisite control we have over the nature of this negative mass, without any other complications," said Dr Forbes. This heightened control also gives researchers a tool for exploring the possible relationships between negative mass and phenomena observed in the cosmos, such as neutron stars, black holes and dark energy.
Physicists observe 'negative mass' - BBC News

2 – Phonons/sound travels upward against “normal” gravity”.

The experiment was conducted in zero-temperature super fluids, which are a strange type of fluid that flow with no resistance at all at temperatures close to absolute zero (2). Under those conditions, Nicolis and his team reported seeing phonons' trajectories bend upwards, seemingly in opposition to the effect of gravity. "In a gravitational field phonons slowly accelerate in the opposite direction that you would expect, say, a brick to fall," one of the team, Rafael Krichevsky. In 2018, however, Riccardo Penco at Carnegie Mellon University and Niciolis and made an astonishing discovery when observing particle-like sound waves (called phonons) propagating through superfluid helium, cooled close to absolute zero. They found that the phonons moved in upward trajectories, against gravity. Contrary to classical models of sound waves, this implied that the phonons were coupled to gravity, allowing them to carry minuscule amounts of “negative effective gravitational mass” as they travelled.
Researchers suggest phonons may have mass and perhaps negative gravity

3 - The Leggett-Garg inequality is violated with Neutron stars.

Neutrons Defy Classical Physics in Astonishing Experiment - Quantum theory allows particles to exist in superposition states, defying classical realism. The Leggett-Garg inequality tests this by comparing quantum behavior against classical expectations. Recent neutron beam experiments at TU, Wien confirmed that particles do violate this inequality, reinforcing the validity of quantum theory over classical explanations. In 1985, a way of measuring this was proposed: the so-called “Leggett-Garg inequality.” Any theory that describes our world without the strange superposition states of quantum theory must obey this inequality. Quantum theory, on the other hand, violates it. Measurements with neutrons testing this “Leggett-Garg inequality” have now been carried out for the first time at TU Wien – with a clear result: the Leggett-Garg inequality is violated, classical explanations are not possible, quantum theory wins. The results have now been published in the journal Physical Review Letters (5). Which means that Neutrons don’t behave as “normal “ matter as they show reverse motions of gravity. The neutrons behave in a way that cannot be explained by any conceivable macroscopically realistic theory. They actually travel on two paths at the same time, they are simultaneously located at different places, centimeters apart. The idea that “maybe the neutron is only traveling on one of the two paths, we just don’t know which one” has thus been refuted.
Mind-Bending Discovery: Neutrons Defy Classical Physics in Astonishing Experiment

4 - Time runs both ways.

A few years ago, we experimentally proved the laws of physics are different depending on which direction time runs. Here's how we know. The second reason is that we live in a Universe where there's more matter than antimatter, but the laws of physics we know are completely symmetric between matter and antimatter. Digging through nearly 10 years of data from billions of particle collisions, researchers found that certain particle types change into one another much more often in one way than they do in the other, a violation of time reversal symmetry and confirmation that some subatomic processes have a preferred direction of time. Lead researcher Dr. Gordey Lesovik, who heads the Laboratory of the Physics of Quantum Information at the MIPT, said: “We have artificially created a state that evolves in a direction opposite to that of the thermodynamic arrow of time.”
Russian Scientists Used a Quantum Computer to Turn Back Time

5 – Sound waves carry negative mass.

Using a theoretical approach called effective field theory, which is commonly used in particle and solid-state physics, the team calculated the mass carried by a sound wave packet propagating though a superfluid. The calculations show that sound waves carry a tiny negative mass, which means that in the presence of a gravitational field, such as that of the Earth, their trajectory is bent upwards. Esposito and colleagues found that sound waves also generate a small gravitational field. Although the mass of sound waves is tiny, it could be measured in experiments with cold molecular or atomic gases. The work might be relevant for neutron star dynamics, because gravitational fields would affect the physical properties of the superfluid stellar core.
Sound carries mass | Nature Reviews Physics

Example 6 – two Neutron stars produce a black hole.

Scientists just got to watch nearly the entirety of a kilo nova explosion caused by a neutron star merger, thanks to a multi-national telescopic effort. The kilo nova briefly mimicked the conditions immediately following the Big Bang, and allowed scientists to confirm the source of the heavy elements Strontium and Yttrium for the very first time. The massive explosion also produced the smallest black hole ever observed. The attraction between two neutron stars is because negative mass's gravity is in reversal. If not, than one star pushing on another should go same direction (away) just like our moon is held by gravity, but it’s slipping further away from us. In reverse gravity when an object is pushed, and it causes it to push back which is not “Normal” gravities behaviors.
Hubble watches neutron stars collide and explode to create black hole and 'birth atoms' | Live Science

Example 7 - Black Holes show gravity in reverse

If the absolute value of positive mass is bigger than that of negative mass, they will meet within finite time(attractive effect). Could this be black holes, and could they grow larger by the negative mass it collects? Is the reason some black holes have the arch going up opposite of the accretion disk, having to do with negative mass as shown create/moved in upward trajectories, against gravity? Luttinger observed that negative-mass objects would gravitationally repel all objects of any mass (positive or negative), while positive-mass objects would gravitationally attract all objects of any mass. Yet when we obverse the motions, we see the black hole push, and instead of following Newton’s Laws, we observe they are in reverse.

Example 8 – Light forms new negative mass particles.

The University of Rochester researchers say they've developed a device that can create particles exhibiting negative mass, by combining photons from laser light and excitons in a semiconductor. Normally, light is bounced between a pair of mirrors facing each other, and the space where that light is confined is called the optical cavity, or microcavity. In this device's optical microcavity, the team placed an atomically-thin semiconductor made of molybdenum Di selenide, where it could interact with the confined light. Excitons in the semiconductor combined with photons in the confined laser light to form new particles called polaritons, which have negative mass.
Negative mass particles forged in new laser device
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Oct 11, 2024
So how does the expansion/contraction of space work?

At the moment before the big bang, positive matter have positive EM fields and normal gravities applies to all positive energies and positive mass. Negative energies and negative matter have negative EM fields and reverse gravities applies to all negative energies, and when it pushes on an object, it is attracted and not pushed away (reverse gravity). At the moment before the Big Bang, this negative mass holds the positive matter/energy tight against the negative matter/energy in a small space because the field of negative matter/energy is strongest at this point. Meaning that positive matter into a zillion pieces has less gravity than a collection of mass with weight. In this broken down state, positive EM field is at its weakest. The positive matter wants to be pushed away, but the negative EM field attracts and holds it until a nuclear force are strong enough to break negative reverse gravities force and that’s the big Bang as we know it. All matters and energies are shot out in space. This is the beginning of the expansion of space. Positive matter collects together and becomes matter, solar systems and galaxies through positive gravity. Negative matter/energies collect together. At this point they are clouds of energies, and through collisions they take on their matter based on the Higgs field and whether it is influenced by a positive energies or negative energies. At some point enough negative energy/mass collects and when the force of negative EM is strong enough, it then becomes a black hole. Until that time, you will see clouds of negative mass/negative EM field absorbs current changes, so only positive EM field shows photons. This is the dark matter we see, only it’s negative EM field. It's dark because a negative EM field absorbs photons, so essentially it's dark electrons in a negative EM field. Black holes push on galaxies and because of reverse gravity with a negative EM field, they attract matter instead of pushing it way. As black holes continue to break positive matter apart, and collecting negative energy/matter. The more positive matter broken down, the slower the expansion of space until such point that there is more negative matter collected than positive matter assembled , the stronger negative EM field contracts space only to repeat the cycle.

How does black holes form?

First, we must explore all mechanisms that make black holes different than what we observe in our solar system with “normal gravity”. Black holes gravity is working in reverse of Newton’s Laws. We know this for a fact because we observe a black hole pushing on a galaxy, and “normal gravity” says that a force pushing should be pushed away, and it pulls back into the black hole. Based on source 1, scientists created negative mass, measured it and see the reverse gravity in action with their own eyes, and this negative mass exists in sound waves (source 5) and lights waves (source 8) naturally in our universe. Second, we look at the arch extending in an upwards trajectory over the accretion disk (see source 2). This is why the arch extends upward, which is against “normal gravity” as normal gravity pulls everything down so if this were in a positive EM field, then the arch would extend under the accretion disk. So these three things (gravity of black hole in reverse, creating negative mass and observing this behavior, seeing the trajectory of the arch extend up against normal gravity show us that it’s negative mass that is causing the reverse gravity in “spooky action”. Negative mass creates a negative EM field which causes gravity to work in reverse and until enough negative mass is collected it’s just clouds of negative mass in negative EM fields and electrons that don’t give off any light because photons are absorb, so you only see the negative EM field because the change in charges cause the positive EM field to give off photons so we see dark matter or really negative EM fields holding electrons dark, however the negative mass has not grown strong enough to create conditions for a black hole to occur. See source 6, which explains that two Neutron stars are made from negative mass with a negative EM field. In the case of a neutron star, the body of a star collapses from losing all of the electrons so matter falls until collision, at which point the Higgs field appears and if it’s under the influence of positive energy it becomes just a collapsed star, but if the field is negative it then becomes a neutron star.

We know this because when the two Neutron stars collided into each other, which is the reverse that gravity works. Example the moon is being pushed by Earth's gravity, but yearly it is getting further away from Earth. This is normal gravity and it does not apply to the actions we see. This takes the size of the negative mass to reach a point when negative EM field is so strong that a black hole is created, which is exactly what happened when two Neutron stars collided, in a negative EM field causes enough negative mass to create a black hole. We seen this happen with our instruments, and this makes perfect sense based on what we see and that we saw a black hole created. So this clearly explains the formation of black holes.

Super Massive Black holes is the mechanism that breaks matter down at a huge pace which clearly goes to expansion and contraction of space. Matter in tiny particles has a very weak EM field, so at some point when enough matter is broken down, the negative mass/negative EM field will contract space.
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Feb 27, 2025
So how does the expansion/contraction of space work?

At the moment before the big bang, positive matter have positive EM fields and normal gravities applies to all positive energies and positive mass. Negative energies and negative matter have negative EM fields and reverse gravities applies to all negative energies, and when it pushes on an object, it is attracted and not pushed away (reverse gravity). At the moment before the Big Bang, this negative mass holds the positive matter/energy tight against the negative matter/energy in a small space because the field of negative matter/energy is strongest at this point. Meaning that positive matter into a zillion pieces has less gravity than a collection of mass with weight. In this broken down state, positive EM field is at its weakest. The positive matter wants to be pushed away, but the negative EM field attracts and holds it until a nuclear force are strong enough to break negative reverse gravities force and that’s the big Bang as we know it. All matters and energies are shot out in space. This is the beginning of the expansion of space. Positive matter collects together and becomes matter, solar systems and galaxies through positive gravity. Negative matter/energies collect together. At this point they are clouds of energies, and through collisions they take on their matter based on the Higgs field and whether it is influenced by a positive energies or negative energies. At some point enough negative energy/mass collects and when the force of negative EM is strong enough, it then becomes a black hole. Until that time, you will see clouds of negative mass/negative EM field absorbs current changes, so only positive EM field shows photons. This is the dark matter we see, only it’s negative EM field. It's dark because a negative EM field absorbs photons, so essentially it's dark electrons in a negative EM field. Black holes push on galaxies and because of reverse gravity with a negative EM field, they attract matter instead of pushing it way. As black holes continue to break positive matter apart, and collecting negative energy/matter. The more positive matter broken down, the slower the expansion of space until such point that there is more negative matter collected than positive matter assembled , the stronger negative EM field contracts space only to repeat the cycle.

How does black holes form?

First, we must explore all mechanisms that make black holes different than what we observe in our solar system with “normal gravity”. Black holes gravity is working in reverse of Newton’s Laws. We know this for a fact because we observe a black hole pushing on a galaxy, and “normal gravity” says that a force pushing should be pushed away, and it pulls back into the black hole. Based on source 1, scientists created negative mass, measured it and see the reverse gravity in action with their own eyes, and this negative mass exists in sound waves (source 5) and lights waves (source 8) naturally in our universe. Second, we look at the arch extending in an upwards trajectory over the accretion disk (see source 2). This is why the arch extends upward, which is against “normal gravity” as normal gravity pulls everything down so if this were in a positive EM field, then the arch would extend under the accretion disk. So these three things (gravity of black hole in reverse, creating negative mass and observing this behavior, seeing the trajectory of the arch extend up against normal gravity show us that it’s negative mass that is causing the reverse gravity in “spooky action”. Negative mass creates a negative EM field which causes gravity to work in reverse and until enough negative mass is collected it’s just clouds of negative mass in negative EM fields and electrons that don’t give off any light because photons are absorb, so you only see the negative EM field because the change in charges cause the positive EM field to give off photons so we see dark matter or really negative EM fields holding electrons dark, however the negative mass has not grown strong enough to create conditions for a black hole to occur. See source 6, which explains that two Neutron stars are made from negative mass with a negative EM field. In the case of a neutron star, the body of a star collapses from losing all of the electrons so matter falls until collision, at which point the Higgs field appears and if it’s under the influence of positive energy it becomes just a collapsed star, but if the field is negative it then becomes a neutron star.

We know this because when the two Neutron stars collided into each other, which is the reverse that gravity works. Example the moon is being pushed by Earth's gravity, but yearly it is getting further away from Earth. This is normal gravity and it does not apply to the actions we see. This takes the size of the negative mass to reach a point when negative EM field is so strong that a black hole is created, which is exactly what happened when two Neutron stars collided, in a negative EM field causes enough negative mass to create a black hole. We seen this happen with our instruments, and this makes perfect sense based on what we see and that we saw a black hole created. So this clearly explains the formation of black holes.

Super Massive Black holes is the mechanism that breaks matter down at a huge pace which clearly goes to expansion and contraction of space. Matter in tiny particles has a very weak EM field, so at some point when enough matter is broken down, the negative mass/negative EM field will contract space.
I like to keep it simple by the theory of scalar waves always existed before the big ejaculation of elements. Scalar waves held the electromagnetic spectrum, sound, gravitational laws and rotational torque of pi, phi etc. And the synthesis of the astronomical laws from the bang and the scalar collision, created now that that were coming when the bang happened. When all reaches past into the event horizon from the small masses still Existing in an observable universe 94,000,000 light years away, the scalar waves will become weak. And like a basketball fall deep in a hole in space scalar wave pulling everything from the event horizon back into singularity, repeating the big bang for infinity.

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