igorsboss - Yes, I also think for myself and listen to others.<br /><br />OK -why would you consider gravity might not have a cause?<br /><br />Are you aware of anything that does not have a cause or causes?<br /><br />To me, our lack of knowledge is humbling - and I agree we should be open-minded.<br /><br />However, my religious belief in Jehovah as God is deeply involved with the scientific priniciple of cause and effect since the derivation of the Divine Name comes from the causative form, imperfect state, of a Hebrew verb for "to be" which bascically means: "He causes to be."<br /><br />Therefore my religious and scientific belief includes belief in the scientific principle of cause and effect - and I am not aware of any evidence to the contrary.<br /><br />Are you?<br /><br />BTW - no need to sigh - differences of belief among scientists can be healthy- it helps avoid deception or following a wild goose chase so to speak, if you consider objectively the evidence for said different beliefs to try to determine truth. <br />The attempt to determine the cause of gravity is exciting, to me. If we knew all the answers, scienctific research would be less exciting.<br />