my pleasure, bob. <br /><br />light scattering at different wavelengths is common to any planet with an atmosphere. visual referencing is likewise commonly utilized, along with spectral imaging, to verify existence of specific elements present. this is widely practiced and taken for granted. <br /><br />as a note to others reading: <br /><br />why it is okay to see Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Titan, display varied, true-color, atmospheric coloration, and then make scientific assessments based upon this data, but then "flip out" and "hate" any atmospheric green on Mars --and only Mars-- is beyond my understanding. <br /><br />this must follow to reason, then, that any color variations in the Martian atmosphere are fake and illusory. the bluish tint to Martian clouds, too, is fake and not visually accurate and should be overlooked. <br /><br />the visually blue northern latitudes of Saturn, are, too, an optical illusion and fake camera artifacts of ill calibration. the yellowish and orange, even greenish, regions on Io at Jupiter, are, of course, optically incorrect and not a result of sulfurous elements at Io. the colorations we see from any Galileo imaging is all grossly inaccurate and useless scientifically. <br /><br />anything we see returned as visual data is all suspect and probably fake. and can only be truly explained by abstract theoretical math. telescopes and cameras are useless devices. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />