Learn to use your Google, my friend (see bottom of the page). Funny thing is, was Walter Mondale more right than he was wrong? Hhmmm.... Just as long as you remember he wanted an end to Apollo and most other space programs, too!!<br /><br />mikeemmert Said: />>Sir, could you provide some links for some of these things?<<<br /><br />See the bottom for all that I had time to find. Plus, the hundreds of space history publications I have back these events.<br /><br /> />>John Kerry got the endorsements of 25 Nobel Prize laureates, something prizewinners NEVER used to do. They must have seen some threat to science and learning. Al Gore always pushed for betterment through technology<<<br /><br />With respect to John Kerry, those Nobel Laureates would have supported Spongebob Squarepants if he was running against Dubya!! And Al Gore wanted a multi-million buck satellite that would sit out in space, 24/7 beaming a constant TV picture of the Earth back at us.<br /><br />Riiiight....... <br /><br /> />>Jimmy Carter, a nuclear submarine officer, tried to modernize the US nuclear industry.<<<br /><br />Mr Carter, whom I respect, was in naval intelligence, among other things. And he wanted to introduce the Neutron Bomb and many new commercial reactor projects, which were (unfortunately) shelved after Three Mile Island, which coincidentally, happened during his Presidency. But don't think for a minute I blame Mr Carter for that!! <br /><br /> />>ISS did not die under Bill Clinton<< <br /><br />Er... I SAID it survived by ONE vote.<br /><br /> />>His wise foresight in making peace with the Russian people saved the ISS in the wake of the tragic Columbia disaster.<<<br /><br />Foresight had little to do with it. While it was good that Russian scientists and Engineers lived, as it were, out of American pockets for a few years, this was mainly to prevent them for going to work for Ayatollahs, Saddam and North Korea. America, rightly and/or wrongly wanted <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p> </p><p>One Percent of Federal Funding For Space: America <strong><em><u>CAN</u></em></strong> Afford it!! LEO is a <strong><em>Prison</em></strong> -- It's time for a <em><strong>JAILBREAK</strong></em>!!</p> </div>