Hawking proposed black holes would evaporate by means of Hawking radiation.<br /><br />By what means?<br /><br />I have heard two scenarios:<br /><br />1. By the dissapearance and reappearance of virtual particles due to exact location being variable rather than constant and involving probability - similar to the exact position of an electron (cloud) in its orbital being variable based on probability.<br /><br />2. By temperature exchange (thermodynamics) whereby a black hole has a temperature which when warmer than the cold space surrounding it - radiates energy.<br /><br />Has any such radiation been observed?<br /><br />Or is it theoretically possible that tachyon radiation is occurring?<br /><br />I am not limiting this to direct observation of said radiation - obviously we could not actually observe tachyons for example.<br /><br />Rather, if radiation is occurring, then loss of mass/energy is occurring. <br /><br />Is there any evidence of this in our universe - loss of mass/energy in black holes?<br /><br />I would include in this, not only large black holes, but also tiny ones - even perhaps sub-atomic black holes.<br /><br />The latter's existence was postulated on one of today's science channel broadcasts, btw.