My Cosmological Theory, if feasible, could turn the world of Cosmology. I believe that the theory can adapt to whatever empirical evidence (cosmological observations) that supports the Big Bang theory. I contest that what supports the big Bang theory also supports the Cyclical Multiverse theory. In the Cyclical Multiverse theory there is no "origin" of the universe, nor any beginning in time. Yet, despite being and infinite time, infinite space cosmology, the theory does explain the redshifts over galactic distances without resorting to changes in physical laws. According to the Cyclical Multiverse theory, Gravitational redshift is a major component of redshift of far away galaxies. All that and more is explained in the Evolution of the Cyclical Multiverse theory found at my Xanga site (this page has been updated)... http://www.xanga.com/item.aspx?user=kmarinas86&tab=weblogs&uid=220940900<br /><br />If it is feasible, what would the next step be in order to verify it? I have some ideas, however, we would need something like the James Webb Telescope and maybe a higher-res Hubble-like telescope. If feasible, to verify (or falsify) the Cyclical Multiverse theory, the many corners of the deep universe would have to be photographed - especially at the areas of the sky which are obscured by the Milky Way. The universe would have to be mapped at all angles, not just the places where observation is convenient. Photos of faint blue galaxies outside the traditional hubble deep fields would have to be sought for.