Hercules Exploration system <br />By Kevin J waldroup<br /> <br />Shuttle C = Hercules <br />Hercules is basically a Shuttle C design with a different name so it will be easier to sell to the US general public.Imagine Shawn O’ Keith at a press conference announcing a new launcher, in the proud tradition of the Saturn launcher and Titan launcher, here we have the <br />Heavy Hercules launcher and Medium Hercules launcher <br /><br /><br />Hercules Heavy Lift Vehicle (H.L.V)<br />The Heavy Lift Hercules Vehicle is two solid rocket boosters attached to the external fuel tank, and a cargo module is added to lift cargo. With this heavy lift vehicle you could lift payloads to low earth orbit of 160,000 pounds. It could be used to launch Lunar bases, and resupply the International Space station. When we finally get space hotels, it could be used to launch people to these hotel facilities. When we have a heavy lift vehicle; we can build space stations here on Earth and just launch it. <br /><br /><br />Hercules Medium Lift Vehicle (M.L.V)<br />The Medium Lift Hercules, or Little Hercules is a solid rocket booster with a second stage hydrogen-fueled J2-class rocket engine that can launch 40,000 pounds into low Earth orbit. It will able to launch the NASA spaceship Clementine and DOD Military Space craft will be a capsule design that will be launch on Little Hercules to Jimy doolittle class Space station and the Robert Goddard class station . The Little Hercules can be used by Russia to launch Spacecraft Soyuz or Kliper to International Space station or Russia Mir II Space station.<br /> The <br />Hercules External Tank Applications<br />NASA Robert Goddard Station <br />R & D to counteract zero gravity, by testing exercising and vitamin supplements. Creating artificial gravity by rotating space station also by using a small devise that spins the astronauts like a centrifuge. Also they will work on filtering devices, more powerful batteries that will powe