How about a moon rover for visual exploration

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You know, we never did really explore the moon. Nor do we have pictures of lunar landscapes, oh yeah we got a few, taken in the late sixties, with old camera's, really not alot at all. My ideal is this, how about a moon rover to explore the moon with just camera's for live video's and stills only. With todays camera's and photography the pictures and video's would be fantastic. This rover will do live moon exploration streaming a live feed back to the earth that, for a fee, anyone could watch a live moon exploration live. You could cruise by the old landing sites to show the nutbags who thought that was fake what was left behind. Who knows whats laying around on the moon, maybe pieces of comets, asteroids or other planets that havent been burned through our atmosphere which can be retrieved if deemed valuable at a later date. But mostly you would be exploring the moon for the first time, an historic event that everyone can tune into and watch. Who knows, with the right business minds behind this, maybe it could even pay for itself and turn a profit, which would be a little hard to argue with. You would at least have, using todays video cameras, a video library of the moons surface and features.


Check out the Google Lunar X Prize.

Its sort of what your talking about. Its pretty real and it will be happening.
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