First, I suspect that there are still levels of "consituent particles" that are even smaller and more fundamental than the quarks, etc. of the "Standard Model" of quantum mechanics. So, it would not surprise me if we have some things to learn about how those 19 "funamental constants" are related, and perhaps can be reduced in number.
That said, I see no logical reason to think that there
must be other universes with different values for whatever constants we think we need. There is no "law of nature" that says everything we don't understand in detail
must be just one random representative of a range of all numerical values. That is just mathematical never-neverland thinking with no
real basis.
But, if you really like to ponder things, realize that we also do not know for sure that these 19 "constants" are really
constant across all space for all time. We are just observing a tiny fraction of space and time, and that is not randomly sampled in any way. We are stuck where we are, when we are, in what is very close to just a single point in space/time, and that is all we actually
So, when proponents of the BBT start introducing "fitting" parameters such as dark matter and dark energy and inflation, I just wonder what they would theorize if, instead of those
new parameters, they simply allowed those 19 existing "constants" to vary in time and space in a manner that made the theory fit our observations.
I was reading an article a few days ago about theorists envisioning what an observer would see if the observer was going faster than the speed of light. The authors' conclusion was that space time would look like only on physical dimension and 3 dimensions of time. I have not fully comprehended why, or what the implications are. Take a look here to see what you think: .