How many times has the universe doubled since the big bang?

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Lets look at the pigeon hole infinite set problem in this way.
If gravity is a true force and has some magic property for instant communication and we have other universe then gravity will be felt by every universe from ours to infinity in different intensities.
If gravity is simply a compression of Quantum fluctuation then same result.

I live and decide to go for a walk one day.
My personal gravity moving alters my universe in a trivial way and ever other universe in a slightly more trivial way.

Now we have every universe altered but each differently.
If infinity was just a set of numbers then we could have infinite numbers of me walking on infinite earths.
But location of each universe in infinity alters how each is effected by me walking.
Me going for a walk on another exact same copy is impossible since i already walked and effected all other universes differently in doing so.
If gravity is a true force and has some magic property for instant communication and we have other universe then gravity will be felt by every universe from ours to infinity in different intensities.
If gravity is simply a compression of Quantum fluctuation then same result.
It's too big an 'IF' for me. Effects travel as particles or waves, which takes time. Even disturbances caused by quantum fluctuations, I guess, would travel as waves in the quantum field/foam or whatever space consists of, and so would still take a finite time.

I do like the idea that everything affects everything else, but I don't think it''s instantaneous though.

I've still got some more options to post, to back our beliefs up, for the uniqueness of all universes:)
It's too big an 'IF' for me. Effects travel as particles or waves, which takes time. Even disturbances caused by quantum fluctuations, I guess, would travel as waves in the quantum field/foam or whatever space consists of, and so would still take a finite time.

I do like the idea that everything affects everything else, but I don't think it''s instantaneous though.

I've still got some more options to post, to back our beliefs up, for the uniqueness of all universes:)
Think of gravity as just a connection and not a force.
No information exchange or wave or particles for gravity.
Just a bend in normal space.
Quantum fluctuation might ripple when a huge gravity effect happens but it can only ripple at C.

Then it's easy for gravity to be instant speed since it's really only a connection or compression.
That answers (spooky action at a distance)being instant if the entire universe is gravitationally entangled and no information passes from one particle to another .

Or gravity is a true force that simply has no interaction with quantum fluctuation.
It travels through the (nothing) between quantum fluctuation.

Or the entire universe is really tiny and gravity seems instant.
Our perspective of being in the universe gives us a false belief of it's size.

One way infinite speed since it never travels, other way speed? since it travels through nothing, third way illusion of perspective.

3 very simple escapes to the physics nightmare that is gravity.

That is the mad stuff i think about :)

Nothing, black holes/gravity and quantum fluctuation IMO all different forms or products of the same thing
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Aug 24, 2020
Each time the universe doubles the perception of time halves, if I was at the Big Bang and started my clock at the moment time took hold what time is it now?
The known universe probably doubles in size within every single unit of plank time. Iam not sure exactly how many plank time units make up one second though.
Aug 24, 2020
Could you please explain me about time dilation in more simple format.
Yes, time dilation is what happens when you get to close to a black hole.

If you take an event from the distant past, and an event in the distant future that has not happened yet, something really strange will happen to you in the present:

Both of these events will be happening right in front of you at the same time!

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