How To Break Light Speed Theoretically

Feb 23, 2020
Speed Summing Motor:-
-the thrusters on 2 arms set spinning
like a helicopter blade,
pointing in the same direction,
run out of motive force,
unless de-tangled with a 'rotary union',
and re-filled from the hub in the center
-in reference to jets,rockets or ion thrusters

air or pneumatics is the ideal emitted(thrusted) mass
...air is readily utilisable,
provided in a constant stream from a compressor

liquid can also be used, when pumped

light is another medium that will cause it to move
it can be any color or laser

this could accelerate to near light speed
theoretically in space
-the stresses on the parts would be enormous,
and maintenance would be vastly difficult

to reach Celerity it would require a wheel with 100 km diameter,
and 3,000,000 rpm it seems or so
the speed of light is 1,079,251,200 kmh

In an atmosphere,
terminal velocity will make it cease to accelerate
at some point, as this a power of speed
It's quite aerodynamic however

to make the fastest man-made object,
we will need to surpass 'NASA's Juno' rocket powered spacecraft
-at 365,000 kmh

This document intends to serve as 'Prior Art' patent-wise

The current prototype is demonstrated here! ==>

30 psi of air turns it over,
but 70 psi just keeps spinning up

here is my mathematical theory for why such a motor can
speed up as long as a conventional thrust is applied:-
V time unit 0:- a = thrust
time unit 1:- b = speed + thrust
time unit 2:- c = b + thrust
time unit 3:- d = c + thrust
......and so on V
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Feb 23, 2020
I have tested this now
30 psi of air turns it over,
but 70 psi just keeps spinning up, beyond the fixing down of it.
I cannot use my head of air in the cylinder possibly
-it goes too fast and may cause an accident
my jets are just hoses in the same direction at the outer
of the wheel

I hope this prior art does serve

there will be no patent, anyone can implement this quickly, to help,
if any is my decision
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The device simply illustrates the difference between dynamic and static coefficients of friction. No more energy is being outputted than is being inputted. This is a "motor", it converts energy in compressed air to motion of the arms, to heat at the friction bearing. It is a tiny room heater, air exchange unit, fan and noisemaker but sadly not an over unity device.
Feb 23, 2020
photos and video soon,
it simply accelerates at 70psi, does not coast
please have a look at the images,
it's an interesting cheap motor worst case

the current video is a 'use of rotary union',
which is the central pneumatic de-tangler,
not this motor
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Feb 23, 2020
here is my mathematical theory for why such a motor can
speed up as long as a conventional thrust is applied==>
>>time unit 1:- a = speed + thrust
time unit 2:- b = a + thrust
time unit 3:- c = b + thrust
time unit 4:- d = c + thrust
......and so on>>
-as long as thrust is applied, we keep accelerating?

Bill, is this a novel air motor as far as you are aware?
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here is my mathematical theory for why such a motor can
speed up as long as a conventional thrust is applied==>
>>time unit 1:- a = speed + thrust
time unit 2:- b = a + thrust
time unit 3:- c = b + thrust
time unit 4:- d = c + thrust
......and so on>>
-as long as thrust is applied, we keep accelerating?

Bill, is this a novel air motor as far as you are aware?
No, this air motor can be seen on your post, thus it is no longer novel. If you tried to patent it and the examiner found your movie, the patent would be denied because it appeared in print. This is "prior art". When you hand them an application, that must be the only place that invention appears anywhere in a public venue.
But that is not of concern as many similar air motors have been made before. It is a well made one, the balance is the giveaway.
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Feb 23, 2020

-yes, no-one else can patent it without bending the concept now I think
the prior art on the forums serves that hopefully
you or anyone can build one if you/they want

It is hopefully a helpful tech race, where I am of value,
to help with my debt to society

it's a liquid, viscous, solid (resin, ball bearings (a particle)) or gas motor

light will also cause it to move,
in space, if it has no bearing, or a frictionless(magnetic?) bearing perhaps
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Feb 23, 2020
an edit is required for the wheel dimension and speed calc
-it's wrong
maybe this is right:
-to reach Celerity it would require a wheel with 100 km diameter,
and 30,000,000 rph (8333.33 rpm) it seems or so
the speed of light is 1,079,251,200 kmh

... so
we can build a flinger that will throw craft out of the atmosphere
the craft is positioned and held on the diameter,
accelerated safely and released

when in space I will attempt to devise the long corridor ship that will travel linearly,
maybe it's conceivable 8D
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