Sorry Unclear Engineer but you can't see space two silly millimeters -- not even one silly millimeter -- away from your eyes. And neither can a telescope, much less 13.8 billion times 9.656 trillion kilometers away. "Most" people are
told by someone like you did above in no uncertain terms that they can and thus they think and believe! they can. And it was no uncertain terms (you said, "look deeper into SPACE")! Not time, but space! And you say you meant exactly what you said, "SPACE"! So, I now believe you, I really do, that you did mean exactly what you said (and the picture of seeing "space" -- "look deeper into SPACE" (not time) -- you presented to us) since you insist upon it so much!

I, though, insist upon something totally different from what you insist upon, that it is time (including, as I have it, a current, concurrent, time constant (t=0)) we are looking deeper into, not space! Prove me wrong!