I don't see any evidence of aliens.' SpaceX's Elon Musk says Starlink satellites have never dodged UFOs

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The only thing that will convince scientists is something that can't be faked. Eyewitness accounts, images, movies are easily faked. A piece of a UAP originating outside the Solar System cannot be faked. With so many visits, why has no one come up with an extrasolar matchbook cover, empty beer can or set of fingerprints? The reason is because they don't exist.
The trouble with conspiracy theories is that they claim that solid evidence does exist, but there is a conspiracy to hide it to keep the public ignorant.

So, the only way to DISprove a conspiracy theory is for someone to provide real evidence of extraterrestrials that is NOT HIDDEN.

Thus, conspiracy theories cannot be disproven when they are not true. We will have to live with them until we really are visited by space aliens. Which may mean we will have them with us for the rest of our existence.
It is not possible to prove something does not exist. Proponents of government coverup don't need to provide evidence, they can claim it all they want and no one could ever prove them wrong. They could only be proven right. It's great work if you can get it.
Mar 31, 2020
Intelligent lifeforms observing our world have a science better than our science. We are a socially aggressive species. Primitive and dangerous.
Spacecraft that move at speeds that defy the laws of physics are a very rare event. Evidence of same, falls in the category of extremely rare. Kona Blue was real. Credible witnesses too numerous to count are also real. What is real, is real. Humans are not the center of the universe. Senators have now also joined the fight in revealing the truth to the public. It doesn't mean the fight gets easier. The DOD and the Pentagon have their minions, like Musk. It is all part of the misdirection.
Mar 31, 2020
There is no conspiracy. If you want to find intelligent life in our galaxy look in the mirror.
A 1000 years ago Europeans did not come to the Americas. They did not come here because of the near impossible distances at the time. How did that all turn out?

Credible witnesses that are believable. Programs in the military that truly exist. Spacecraft that defy the laws of physics. Over 300 million potentially habitable worlds. Life completely dominating a world with liquid water. Having to deal with a science better than our own.

Sometimes the writing is on the wall, but you have to remove the mirror and look behind it.

Bipartisan members of congress and senators are searching for answers. In time the truth will be revealed.
ET life in other star systems is likely to be found, using telescopes, in our lifetime. We already have some promising candidates showing water vapor and methane. We are right on the verge.

As for intelligent life visiting the Earth, the only thing that will convince scientists is a repeatable observation. This might be a captured ET craft that anyone could visit. It could be a discarded matchbook cover we could test for isotopic ratios. The lower threshold is a few micrograms of ET matter. So far we have nothing. Let us know when you find something.
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Mar 31, 2020
We are not alone. If people are not willing to listen to the foundation of a concept. It is hard to lay the foundation after that. Of course that is precisely what the Pentagon and the DOD wish. In reference, to Intelligent lifeforms observing our world there are many unanswered questions. Questions they do not need to answer.
What is the main reason they do not want the public to know? How long have they known? What technology has come from advanced species? What are they currently working on right now? These questions are only the tip of the iceberg, but we are letting them completely off the hook because of one simple reason. We are an ethnocentric species who truly believe we are the center of the universe.


Apr 3, 2020
We are not alone. If people are not willing to listen to the foundation of a concept. It is hard to lay the foundation after that. Of course that is precisely what the Pentagon and the DOD wish. In reference, to Intelligent lifeforms observing our world there are many unanswered questions. Questions they do not need to answer.
What is the main reason they do not want the public to know? How long have they known? What technology has come from advanced species? What are they currently working on right now? These questions are only the tip of the iceberg, but we are letting them completely off the hook because of one simple reason. We are an ethnocentric species who truly believe we are the center of the universe.
Dave, again...I applaud your tenacity in your beliefs. However, there is no conspiracy within the bowels of the Pentagon keeping such evidence from the public. No matter how much you wish for it, it doesn't exist.

If even a shred existed, the bipartisan commission you are so enamored with would have broadcast it far and wide. This is an election year and something like that could not be kept under wraps.

These things are true no matter how much you wish for them not to be.
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". . . . We are an ethnocentric species who truly believe we are the center of the universe."
That last sentence does not logically follow from the rest of your post.

Most people do NOT believe that they (or Earth, or our Sun) are the "center of the universe", because they don't even know whether the WHOLE universe has a center.

And most people do NOT believe that space aliens are here, now. So, there really is not any demonstrated correlation between your stated positions, either.

However, I think that even space aliens would acknowledge that wherever you are, you are in the middle of your "observable universe". But, that doesn't even make you necessarily the most advanced species within your sphere of observations.
Jan 4, 2024
There is no conspiracy.
The DOD and the Pentagon have their minions, like Musk. It is all part of the misdirection.


Intelligent lifeforms observing our world have a science better than our science.

Are you confusing science (the method through which we learn) with technology (the practical application of science), or are you suggesting that they have something superior to the scientific method?

Programs in the military that truly exist.

There are many military programs that result in nothing. I'm not just talking about R&D. Sometimes they'll try to buy equipment and subsequently decide it's a bad idea. I find it more likely that:
  • The military is just curious and/or paranoid.
  • This is some kind of political move.
  • It's a shame to misappropriate funds.
  • Someone is exploiting a legal loophole.
  • There's something that none of us in this thread have thought about.
If the military had significant evidence that extraterrestrials visited Earth, then I think we would see the records on the War Thunder forums.

Intelligent lifeforms are observing us. This is what they see. A race that does not act like one race, the human race. We are a collection of tribes (read countries) who struggle with the human condition (war, poverty, climate change.).
We are a socially aggressive species. Primitive and dangerous.

Why do you think this? How do you know they don't think we're a surprisingly collaborative and peaceful race? Of all the creatures that we know of, none are as unified, sophisticated, and careful as humanity. So why do you think they're better than us?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The feasibility of interstellar travel is debated, let alone extraterrestrial life. I don't think any of the evidence out there is sufficiently extraordinary. Granted, I don't know anything about these witnesses, programs, or spacecraft.
Mar 31, 2020
Time has no illusion. The time of the human race has a past, present and future. We will continue to build spacecraft. We will continue to explore space looking for life and intelligent life. We will achieve more than what we are now. This is our future. We will continue to achieve greater speeds in space. We will continue to make overall peace our goal. We will continue to have a better science. Try to see and understand what we will become. When we achieve unity as a species, then we are one.
We will travel to worlds and we may find a less advanced species. We would not wish contact with a more primitive race. We will exercise caution and remain hidden. At this point we are not socially aggressive or dangerous. We will roam their skies and yes there may be a slip up here or there, but we will not give them that smoking gun. This primitive species we observe they will not believe in witnesses no matter how credible. This (ethnocentric) species, they will not believe there are spacecraft that defy the laws of physics (physics as they understand it.) They will not even believe what they see with their own two eyes.

A more advanced intelligent species can do the same. Intelligent lifeforms observing our world have a better science and they wish only to observe. It is time for the military to come clean, and tell us what they know. It is only a matter of time before the bipartisan members of congress as well as senators get to the bottom of all this. We want the truth.


Apr 3, 2020
Time has no illusion. The time of the human race has a past, present and future. We will continue to build spacecraft. We will continue to explore space looking for life and intelligent life. We will achieve more than what we are now. This is our future. We will continue to achieve greater speeds in space. We will continue to make overall peace our goal. We will continue to have a better science. Try to see and understand what we will become. When we achieve unity as a species, then we are one.
We will travel to worlds and we may find a less advanced species. We would not wish contact with a more primitive race. We will exercise caution and remain hidden. At this point we are not socially aggressive or dangerous. We will roam their skies and yes there may be a slip up here or there, but we will not give them that smoking gun. This primitive species we observe they will not believe in witnesses no matter how credible. This (ethnocentric) species, they will not believe there are spacecraft that defy the laws of physics (physics as they understand it.) They will not even believe what they see with their own two eyes.

A more advanced intelligent species can do the same. Intelligent lifeforms observing our world have a better science and they wish only to observe. It is time for the military to come clean, and tell us what they know. It is only a matter of time before the bipartisan members of congress as well as senators get to the bottom of all this. We want the truth.
You have made you point...again. This thread is coming to a close.
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