How COOL, I know something of technology, that has escaped CALLIARCLEs' attention.<br />Who'd a Thunk it?. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /><br /><br />Actually, far be it from me to ADD to the mindless military boostering of the Dear old US of A, but you guys have ALREADY a doughty, puissant robot warrior, AND I don't mean Arnold.<br /><br />It is call Fireant. It is a tank thing, about the third in area of an SUV, and twice the weight. It carries a BFG, and a couple of forward facing incendrie throwers. <br />It is autonamus and its job is simple.<br /><br />Parachute-Dropped into an area that your military wishes to render the safe travel of enemy vehicles impossible in, it finds itself some cover, facing a road or flat area, and waits. It can be directed to different places, or told to adopt different cover, by its sattilite comms.<br /><br />It can be given a target, or simply told to knock out anything above a certain size. It knows not to shoot at allied vehicles. How this accords with the Geneva conventions, I do not know, though of course, the RAF tended to blast any vehicle it saw in France, during the invasion, so I guess there is preccedent.<br /><br />So as time goes by, and they up grade Fireants' Operating system, EVENTUALLY they will make one smart enough to at least fool itself, that it has free will.<br /><br />Plenty of the Mooks I work along side on the building sites, are almost about as SMART as a modern PC, and THEY seem to think they have free will, though , controlled almost totally by their urges, dead to the printed word, and AMORAL scum as they are, they couldn't explain the concept to someone.<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" /><br /><br />"explain to us what makes you believe you have free will?."<br /><br />"Ahhh, what you mean by Explain?. brain hurt, going to drink beer now, speaking later to you."<br /><br /><img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" />