I'm out inventing Lunar brick

I don't want to sinter anything that outgasses. I would've sold it for $100M. I still seek in situ rocks in the asteroid belt and around the gas giants. Anything that dry that still outgasses ruins my UHV metrology.
To catch Lunar meteorites I envision a Sydney Opera House of lunar glass surfaces. Eventually a micro meteorite will cut right along the roof edge. The alternative is thinner surface area for smaller impactors. Foam and crystalline gems are the alternative for space habitat interiors to stone. Probes will need to spectroscopy GG Moons or asteroid mineral samples for bio compatibility, Then, on Earth we set up habitats using those minerals with our artificial 3D printed analogs. The best stones can be backed with a wire skeleton for hollow space surfaces.
Crew of 8 for setting up the base (not the mine). With good nature stones I expect space flora and fauna can be selected by species that will have in situ manufacturing applications is easier than breadth of species's count built up right away. Silk and scorpions look natural for virology lab study when distilled animal products are obtained. I'd keep 25% of a stone 3d printing company reserved for space and sell off the rest. I'll stay away from feldspar due to salt and affixing a polished coating slab to the 3d printed matrix is an idea in progress.