The ref paper abstract states, "Abstract We show that stars in the inner parsec of the Milky Way can be significantly affected by dark matter annihilation, producing population-level effects that are visible in a Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram. We establish the dark HR diagram, where stars lie on a new stable dark main sequence with similar luminosities, but lower temperatures, than the standard main sequence. The dark matter density in these stars continuously replenishes, granting these stars immortality and solving multiple stellar anomalies. Upcoming telescopes could detect the dark main sequence, offering a new dark matter discovery avenue."
*dark HR diagram*, something different than the standard HR diagram to explain the stars seen in the report. "The dark matter density in these stars continuously replenishes, granting these stars immortality and solving multiple stellar anomalies."
In the old days (I am old, 70 years) I understood p-p chain, CNO, and triple alpha process fusion for interpreting HR diagram plots, now I must rethink much and look at DM to the rescue explaining results that indicate potential problems with some stars observed now

This stellar evolution paradigm should be interesting to follow as it develops.