In The Heat Death Scenario

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Yeah, in all scenarios the universe will eventually die and if nothing stops the expansion and it probably WILL keep on going, the universe will keep on expanding and eventually dissipate into nothingness


Plat - The current most popular model may be heat death. However, models become old and sometimes dissipate into nothing - almost.<br /><br />What you need is proof or evidence, not mere consensus.<br /><br />First, your conclusion is against the law of conservation of matter and energy. Our universe can never become nothing according to this law.<br /><br />Evidence points to eternal matter and energy in our universe. Unless all energy becomes matter or all matter becomes energy - and the evidence is against that scenario.<br /><br />Heat does not actually die either. Heat involves motion, and our universe is in eternal motion.<br /><br />Do you understand the laws of themodynamics, upon which the heat death hypothesis is based?<br /><br />However, there are certain observations that cannot be ignored:<br /><br />The temperature of our universe has not been constantly decreasing. <br /><br />Try researching, for example, the temperature of the IGM (intergalactic medium) over the past 12 billion years. Note the oscillation. <br /><br />And consider the origin of our universe. How did heat come alive, so to speak, so it could later die?<br /><br />Finally: you are assuming our universe is all that exists, and that we are not expanding into something else, such as another universe.<br /><br />Why are you making that assumption?


<font color="yellow">What you need is proof or evidence, not mere consensus. </font><br /><br />I would imagine this would be a given.. <br /><br />But in short, we don't have all the proof or evidence. Which is not to say of course that the universe then must be a certain way because we don't have the answers.<br /><br />example, you can't say. "Well, we don't know how the universe was created therefore a god did it." He/She/It may or may not have. We just don't know. You can't just make the assumption "We don't know the answer, so god did it"<br /><br />
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