Infinity is not a number.<br />Does it makes sense that something would have infinite momentum?<br /><br />No mutiple of an integer can equal infinity. Therefore infinity should be a physical barrier.<br /><br />One of two things would be necessary and sufficient for infinite momentum to occur: 1) an infinite force in a finite time, or 2) a finite force in infinite time.<br /><br />Infinite force implies infinite power and implies an infinite source of energy. An object is convertible to pure energy (gammy rays) at relativistic speeds. E=h<i>v</i>, where E is the energy of a photon, h is planck's constant, and <i>v</i> is the frequency. Infinite blueshift implies infinite frequency and infinite energy. This however, makes no sense, since no product of an finite integer and a finite frequency can equal infinity. So if you cannot justify the existence of photons with infinite momentum, then how can you justify light passing the schwarzschild radius - a barrier of infinite gravitational blueshift? You can't! Notice also, the curvature associated with gravitational time dilation causes a physical time delay. Light travels a less direct line in curved space. Curved space slows down everything inside of it, including photons and the observers of photons. This is to say a physical slowing of the speed of light does not say light does not travel at c in all cases. It always travels at c to an observer. However, affects the timing of light's return does depend on gravity:<br /><br />http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapiro_effect<br /><br />Realize that the energy of a photon is proportional to it's frequency. Inside one path, or "world line", the frequency of photon as time passes is proportional to the gravitational time dilation as time passes. This to say, as a photon moves through space, its energy is proportional gravitational time dilation (i.e. increased curvature of space). But massless photons