This is a far reaching article based on assumed facts that are currently accurate. Let's assume that a century from now we are able to send people to the nearest star system, and that communications would be literally impossible, What would these poor colonists do? First, let's us assume that telecommunications would have to change due to the very nature of traveling within the confines of solar exploration. The further from our mother, the longer it takes to communicate with those we love. They say that necessity is the mother of invention. We are not going to be launching humans to planets outside our own home solar system. not before we have been able to spread our seeds to the rest of our solar system. What would communications be like in the future? Our present technology would be considered primitive when humans set foot of Pluto. If we develop cities on Mars and above the crushing atmosphere of Venus, how would they communicate to each other? ET phone home. Quantum communications would be the order of the day. Even todays telecommunications would be useless. We can't project into the future, but it is a safe bet that today's hardware is tomorrows garbage.