Interstellar space travel will have language complications for astronauts

May 13, 2020
This is a far reaching article based on assumed facts that are currently accurate. Let's assume that a century from now we are able to send people to the nearest star system, and that communications would be literally impossible, What would these poor colonists do? First, let's us assume that telecommunications would have to change due to the very nature of traveling within the confines of solar exploration. The further from our mother, the longer it takes to communicate with those we love. They say that necessity is the mother of invention. We are not going to be launching humans to planets outside our own home solar system. not before we have been able to spread our seeds to the rest of our solar system. What would communications be like in the future? Our present technology would be considered primitive when humans set foot of Pluto. If we develop cities on Mars and above the crushing atmosphere of Venus, how would they communicate to each other? ET phone home. Quantum communications would be the order of the day. Even todays telecommunications would be useless. We can't project into the future, but it is a safe bet that today's hardware is tomorrows garbage.
May 13, 2020
While on the subject of colonialism of other planets. You would think that if a planet is habitable, there would be beings living on it. Would be wipe out the native indigenous beings in order to make way for human settlement? Maybe the planet is still in the Jurassic period and has dinosaur like creatures. Would we be a light snack or a happy meal?
Getting ahead of ourselves I think. Of all the problematic issues I would rate language changes quite low; if it is possible and practical (I am very doubtful) to send colonists to other stars they will have libraries and archives, including recorded language, as will people on Earth.

While on the subject of colonialism of other planets. You would think that if a planet is habitable, there would be beings living on it. Would be wipe out the native indigenous beings in order to make way for human settlement? Maybe the planet is still in the Jurassic period and has dinosaur like creatures. Would we be a light snack or a happy meal?

Even if the atmosphere is like Earth (unlikely) will any native biochemistry even be compatible? Biology makes more kinds of poisons and allergens than we can imagine.

I think if we are capable of such a journey then we do not need planets to live on and the uncontaminated life we find may be the most valuable resource such a world could have - much more valuable than real estate. Not that I think we can be trusted with it; the urge to occupy and conquer and possess may be primitive but that just makes us capable of overcoming well reasoned caution and care. Humans - the long time nest raiders and egg stealers that we are - have great potential to be the archetype of "hostile aliens".

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