Is earths true deepest core iron ore?nah i thinks its radioactive metals such as u 238 235 and others.we live on a nuclear reactor imo

Mar 15, 2022
One day after watching Chernobyl and then watching youtube about nuclear reactors n such i was siting out back in the woods thinking I was thinking about the core of nuclear reactors.What we all know is that its a densely packed mass of radioactive metals..Omg thats what earths core is at its true heart.Its densely a packed sphere of radioactive metals that heats up metals around that heats up the mantle that produces gasses and gives us a atmosphere. The heaviest metals will fall to the centerof a planetoid that has enough energy or mass during formation.Didnt they detect neutrinos coming from the core one time?The same thing is going on with venus and used to be going on with mars.Mars radioactive core once was active.It heated up the mantle produced gasses had a atmosphere and the pressure to have liquid water on the surface.Eventually the raidoactive metals decayed and the core died.I believe mars core is still hot just no fission going on.Now with venus its has too much radioactive metals its core is too hot plus with its slow spin it hasnt been able to cool off like earth has over these billions of years.Being that venus core is so hot it over heats the mantle produces all the gass which creates all the pressure and traps all that heat.Am i off my rocker? has this been proven wrong?I love humanity, just wanted to share my thoughts if this sounds stupid my bad.i only have a 8th grade eduction in the end.grew up with the internet tho.also i wonder about brown dwarfs i bet they are heavy metal rich.some has more radioactive metals,others have less some are younger some older.thats why they so different.Also maybe the reasons the planets moved in position around the sun was that their density changed.jupiter used to be closer to the sun it had a heavy metal core at the start but with its mass gobbled up a bunch of gass and it got less dense overall compared to other bodies.If any one reads this ty for your time.Just wanted to create for once instead of consume.

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May 14, 2021
The core is made up of pretty much all iron and nickel. Only a very small portion is uranium, thorium, and the like. It’s this tiny portion that is still radioactive and maintains the hot conditions. If there was a very high percentage of radioactive materials, the heat generated would have kept the Earth molten.
We have also measured the mass of the Earth and can determine the composition of the core to a fair degree from that.
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Radioactive metals do not seem to be a main contributor to the core heat, although they undoubtedly contribute some heat. Nuclear reactor type fission chain reaction in the core seems highly unlikely as a heat source, because it requires at least one neutron from each fission to reach another Uranium atom and create another fission, and the iron and nickel would tend to absorb too many neutrons to keep such a reaction going. But, radioactive decay and a tad of spontaneous fission probably have been adding heat ever since formation of the core. That has probably decreased over the life of the Earth, because the half-life of Uranium-235 is only 704 million years, so there was about 62.5 times as much of that isotope 4.2 million years ago as there is today. The most common isotope, Uranium-238, has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, so there would be a bit less than twice what there is today when the Earth was formed "only" 4.2 billion years ago.

Because of the difference in half-lives of the two Uranium isotopes, the percentage of the Uranium that was the fissionable U-235 isotope back 4.2 billion years was probably about 3.25%, compared to about 0.7% today. That is comparable to the isotopic enrichment level that we use in reactors, today, but, for that to work, uranium fuel must be submerged in water to slow down the neutrons so that they have a high enough probability of causing a fission in a Uranium atom when they hit it. And, there just would not be nearly enough water in the Earth's core to do that.

Interestingly, there do seem to have been some fission chain reactions on Earth's surface long ago, when the fraction of U-235 to U-238 was still high and some surface chemistry seems to have resulted in high Uranium concentrations in swampy areas in what is now North Africa. But, that is not relevant to what happened then or now way down in the core.
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Jan 29, 2020
We use seismometers and neutrinos to keep track of Earth. When neutrinos travel through atomic cores, their individual mutation rate/function between 3 different types, alters. Presumably fission and fusion explosions would leaves gaps and very dense collision volumes, that we don't observe. There would also be volcanoes and Earthquakes, more. We don't observe Uranium in rocks more than we'd expect; they use to mail-order the stickers to the general public in the 1970's.
It is interesting how Brown Dwarfs are powered and the composition and nature of their surfaces. There are four BD projects in Webb's 1st yr. The frequency by size in the Milky Way looks best to me.
A fresh solar system would be more radioactive. Mars made the biggest Volcano yet discovered when it was radioactive. Rogue objects from a newer system, would be useful for geopower at least.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
It is interesting to note that isotope decay can be far more important than solar heating, further out in the Solar System. The centres of some exterior bodies are still very hot. The size of the object is of fundamental importance for isotope decay heating.

The temperature at Earth's centre is quite high:
"The bottom line of these efforts is that there is a rather wide range of current estimates of the earth's core temperature. The "popular" estimates range from about 4,000 kelvins up to over 7,000 kelvins (about 7,000 to 12,000 degrees F)."
Why is the earth's core so hot? And how do scientists measure ...

The temperature at the centre of Neptune is not that dussimilar:
"How cold is the center of Neptune?

At its core, Neptune reaches temperatures of up to 7273 K (7000 °C; 12632 °F), which is comparable to the surface of the Sun. The huge temperature differences between Neptune's center and its surface create huge wind storms, which can reach as high as 2,100 km/hour, making them the fastest in the Solar System.21 May 2016"

Cat :)
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