Hi all great site you have here.
I was just curious if its possible to see a galaxy with a naked eye? Lets say you were in a space ship and traveled outside the galaxy would you ever be able to see the same kind of images with the naked eye that hubble captures of galaxies and nebulas etc. My thinking is no... They are too massive and you would have to be so far away to make out their shape that the naked eye would not be effective.
Sorry if this is a dumb question.
I was just curious if its possible to see a galaxy with a naked eye? Lets say you were in a space ship and traveled outside the galaxy would you ever be able to see the same kind of images with the naked eye that hubble captures of galaxies and nebulas etc. My thinking is no... They are too massive and you would have to be so far away to make out their shape that the naked eye would not be effective.
Sorry if this is a dumb question.