There are two states of microwaves, pulsed and steady. Pulsed is what our microwave ovens do. Steady is what we get on and off at all times from space . . . life, most especially wildlife such as birds, handles it just fine, taking it for granted. And it would be a 24/7 all climates and weathers (if I remember correctly) source of power.
Steady state microwave from space was advocated to solar-power-type farms, as being enormously safer for wildlife than solar-power (I've seen enough dead birds around solar farms and wind farms in passing in California to make me sick at my stomach.
My thoughts for receiving stations for steady-state microwave transmitted from space are rooftop receiving stations spread out throughout cities, as the farms, with rural areas having centralized solar farm-like receiver station areas set up for the purpose. There wouldn't be piles and piles of dead birds, and other dead wildlife, left to rot or to be removed.
Steady state microwave from space was advocated to solar-power-type farms, as being enormously safer for wildlife than solar-power (I've seen enough dead birds around solar farms and wind farms in passing in California to make me sick at my stomach.
My thoughts for receiving stations for steady-state microwave transmitted from space are rooftop receiving stations spread out throughout cities, as the farms, with rural areas having centralized solar farm-like receiver station areas set up for the purpose. There wouldn't be piles and piles of dead birds, and other dead wildlife, left to rot or to be removed.