Mart943, You should read-up on the latest paleontology of hominids (humans and human ancestors after splitting from the apes).
Briefly, human linage seems to go back aa few million years, with fire usage maybe about the last million years. (See .) The fossil record looks like there were several waves of increasingly evolved human ancestors that left Africa and moved into Europe and Asia, mingling with, interbreeding with, and ultimately replacing the previous populations that came out of Africa earlier.
The species/races before modern humans seem to have been the Neanderthals in Europe and Denisovans in Asia. There are still Neanderthal genes in most Europeans and Denisovan genes in most Asians, with notable variations among "races" of modern humans. The current residents of Africa seem to have little (but some) Neanderthal genes, indicating some back migration.
It looks like modern humans were the first hominids to reach the Americas, probably around 25,000 years ago. They may have come on foot, or perhaps by boats, or both. There were several waves of those, too. Today we see "Indians" and "Inuits" (Eskimos) in the Americas that were clearly different waves of migration. There may have been some people coming from the Southern Pacific into South America as well. The structured civilizations that developed in the Americas (e.g., Inca, Maya, Aztec, Mound Builders) probably carried earlier knowledge of such behaviors from Asia as they came to the Americas. So it is not a matter of different subhuman species independently developing into humans with civilizations in multiple parts of the world during the last few thousand years. Civilizations based on farming and mining developed relatively recently all around the world, but at different rates at different places. Some survived and some were overrun by others. Frankly, it looks like humans have been overrunning each others' cultures for a long time before we were able to write down the history that records only the more recent of such events.
There does not seem to be any evidence of any humans arriving "from outside our earth". Or any need for any cultural attributes to have come from aliens.