Is the universe expanding ?

Jun 29, 2020
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Based on the measured red-shifts of far away stars and galaxies It has been determined that these stars and galaxies are moving away from us. The further away they are, the larger the red-shift, and the faster the stars are moving. The conclusion is that the whole universe is expanding. However, looking far out into the universe is like looking back in time. We may be able to see the faint light of a quasar as far away as 13 billion light years, but this information is 13 billion years old. The red-shift is huge, and the object is moving fast, but that was 13 billion years ago.
Near by stars are moving slower, and they are further away in time from the big bang event, believed to be about 13.7 years ago. My conclusion is that the universe was expanding rapidly
in the past, but is now slowing down, the exact opposite of the prevailing view. Who is right?

K.R. Waerstad
If you are saying your view has a faster speed 13 billion years ago than cosmologists say, then cosmologists are far more likely to be right and for more than one reason. The BBT comes with many separate lines of evidence, like pieces fitting in a large puzzle.

The expansion rate is roughly about 70kps for every million parsecs (3.26 million lyrs.). So galaxies that are, say, 100 million parsecs away are traveling at 7000 kps away from us. It doesn't change to a different rate on the assumption it may have been faster long ago.

Partly, I think, due to the original view that it is what it calls itself to be... a constant (i.e. Hubble-Lemaitre Constant). It was a reasonable start, even if the father of BBT (Lemitre) did include some acceleration aspects to it for certain periods of time. DE is used today to explain what appears to be a more recent episode of acceleration.
Dec 11, 2019
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According to this we live in a holographic universe. So in the end all illusions.

Small excerpt:

The Consciousness Matrix. The universe is composed of interacting energy fields, some at rest and some in motion. It is , in and of itself, one gigantic hologram of unbelievable complexity. According to the theories of Karl Pribram, a neuroscientist at Stanford University and David Bohm, a physicist at the University of London, the human mind is also a hologram which attunes itself to the universal hologram by the medium of energy exchange thereby deducing meaning and achieving the state which we call consciousness.

With the respect to the states of expanded or altered consciousness such as Gateway uses, the process operates in the following way. As energy passes through various aspects of the universal hologram and is holographic images being conveyed and projected upon those electrostatic fields of the mind and are perceived or understood to the extent that the electrostatic field is operating at a frequency and amplitude that can harmonize with and therefore "read" the energy amplitude of the electrostatic field which comprises the human mind determines the configuration and hence the character of the holographic energy matrix which the mind projects to intercept meaning directly from the holographic transmissions of the universe. Then, to make sense of what the holographic image is "saying" to it, the mind proceeds to compare the image just received with itself. Specifically , it does this by comparing the image received with that part of its own hologram which constitutes memory.

By registering differences in geometric form and in energy frequency, the consciousness perceives. As psychologist Keith Floyd puts it:

"Contrary to what everyone knows is so, it may not be the brain that produces consciousness--but rather, consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain..."

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