Is there a 'true' story behind the fake Apollo moon landing in 'Fly Me to the Moon?

Sep 19, 2024
I'm just a simple fool buuut.
It seems that despite you remarking a "No to your moon hoax theory". The problem is that, from all the images and film the Apollo missions captured, we are presented to this day only a handfull of images. And the US had more failures with the Saturn V rockets a than successful trials, let alone NASA somehow deleting all of the files of the flight data, telemetry & statistical records.
When it comes to cinematic movies involving an outer space theme, they aren't really in abundance, as they generally have an "Alien theme" as most films with CGI and Bluescreen seem to show space if not better than photos or live feeds shown. Including NASA having to edit the google image of earth, showing landmass askew and cloud formations added with the countless shades of color Earth.
We've seen bubbles rise, on the the Spacestation and over spacesuits. Not to mention SpaceX with having the capability to land back on its legs with somehow using less propellant to get it back on ground than to go up.
NASA can't even show the landing sites and rovers that have been left up on the moon. I've got a Celestron 9.25 advanced VX and struggle to see anything at all.
How come only the US had sent people to the moon when the Russians had the know-how more than the US.
The no dust or crater from the thruster when Gemini landed, the remote camera filming on the LEM, and leaving, the direct phone conversation with Nixon with no time delay.

I can keep going to prove that there's a conspiracy to hide the fact we can't go further than lower earth orbit . You're a joke.

NASA spent how much on an ink pen that would work in zero g but the Russians just used a pencil. That's shows you how inept they are.
Aug 30, 2024
I'm just a simple fool buuut.
It seems that despite you remarking a "No to your moon hoax theory". The problem is that, from all the images and film the Apollo missions captured, we are presented to this day only a handfull of images. And the US had more failures with the Saturn V rockets a than successful trials, let alone NASA somehow deleting all of the files of the flight data, telemetry & statistical records.
When it comes to cinematic movies involving an outer space theme, they aren't really in abundance, as they generally have an "Alien theme" as most films with CGI and Bluescreen seem to show space if not better than photos or live feeds shown. Including NASA having to edit the google image of earth, showing landmass askew and cloud formations added with the countless shades of color Earth.
We've seen bubbles rise, on the the Spacestation and over spacesuits. Not to mention SpaceX with having the capability to land back on its legs with somehow using less propellant to get it back on ground than to go up.
NASA can't even show the landing sites and rovers that have been left up on the moon. I've got a Celestron 9.25 advanced VX and struggle to see anything at all.
How come only the US had sent people to the moon when the Russians had the know-how more than the US.
The no dust or crater from the thruster when Gemini landed, the remote camera filming on the LEM, and leaving, the direct phone conversation with Nixon with no time delay.

I can keep going to prove that there's a conspiracy to hide the fact we can't go further than lower earth orbit . You're a joke.

NASA spent how much on an ink pen that would work in zero g but the Russians just used a pencil. That's shows you how inept they are.
NASA probably have a whole heap of images but it could be that a lot of them aren't very good. I don't know where you got that information about the Saturn V, there is no record of any catastrophic failures (apart from Apollo 1 which was an oxygen test gone wrong in the command module) and it was recorded that one engine failed on the first stage after the Apollo 11 launch for a short period of time and we all know about Apollo 13 although that was the service module that failed but you really need to qualify your assertions.
I also have a book called 'Rocket Men' by Craig Nelson that details the Apollo 11 mission and its full of flight data, telemetry and statistical records.
Just on the film studio conspiracy; The best a film studio could do in the 1960's was what we saw with Star Trek (Paramount Studios) and how bad the special effects were, in fact it wasn't until Star Wars in 1977 and progress with sfx that the images were at least believable with the use of green screen and the Dykstraflex camera but to say that NASA had the film technology in 1969 that Lucasfilm had in 1977 is nonsense.
I've never seen bubbles on the ISS but you should ask Elon Musk why it is that SpaceX uses less fuel to land than it does to launch, but I think that it has to do with the weight at the time of landing that is, a lot lighter landing than what is was when it launched having a full load of fuel.
NASA has actually shown us the remnants of the Apollo missions and have posted them.
The Russians N1 rocket blew up soon after launch which spelled the end of their moon programme at the time but the Russians aren't very good at minor details, in early missions the cosmonauts took sandwiches and cake for their food which is OK if you don't mind crumbs flying around the capsule. Pencils are OK if you can scrub the environment of carbon particles from the pencils lead. NASA have built a reputation of assembling spacecraft in clean rooms because they know that contamination of any sort is detrimental for any type of mission, the Russians aren't so fastidious so they are more prone to failure.
Vincestone, there is no conspiracy, Neil Armstrong assembled a laser reflector array for scientists on earth to fire a laser at so when they receive the reflected light then they can compute the distance of the moon from the earth, it is still in use today. Forget about the conspiracies they are only a distraction.


Apr 3, 2020
I'm just a simple fool buuut.
It seems that despite you remarking a "No to your moon hoax theory". The problem is that, from all the images and film the Apollo missions captured, we are presented to this day only a handfull of images. And the US had more failures with the Saturn V rockets a than successful trials, let alone NASA somehow deleting all of the files of the flight data, telemetry & statistical records.
When it comes to cinematic movies involving an outer space theme, they aren't really in abundance, as they generally have an "Alien theme" as most films with CGI and Bluescreen seem to show space if not better than photos or live feeds shown. Including NASA having to edit the google image of earth, showing landmass askew and cloud formations added with the countless shades of color Earth.
We've seen bubbles rise, on the the Spacestation and over spacesuits. Not to mention SpaceX with having the capability to land back on its legs with somehow using less propellant to get it back on ground than to go up.
NASA can't even show the landing sites and rovers that have been left up on the moon. I've got a Celestron 9.25 advanced VX and struggle to see anything at all.
How come only the US had sent people to the moon when the Russians had the know-how more than the US.
The no dust or crater from the thruster when Gemini landed, the remote camera filming on the LEM, and leaving, the direct phone conversation with Nixon with no time delay.

I can keep going to prove that there's a conspiracy to hide the fact we can't go further than lower earth orbit . You're a joke.

NASA spent how much on an ink pen that would work in zero g but the Russians just used a pencil. That's shows you how inept they are.
Sorry, but this is full of misconceptions and misunderstandings. Not reality in any way and perpetuating a hoax.

A blow by blow response is likely not going to convince you otherwise, but all of this can easily be debunked.

Have a real day.

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