Who says God was created? I think the whole reason questions like this sound funny is it involves a limited mode of thinking we humans seem to be stuck with - that is, we think linearly in time. Things happen sequentially, and are split into their opposites - creation and destruction, or beginning and ending, or before and after - always in that order. To ask if something was created, implies some beginning , in time , for that thing. Before that time, it did not exist, after that time, it does exist, and at some future date it will not exist again. But, if God exists outside time, then the question of Him being created (or destroyed) no longer has any meaning. Outside time, there is no earlier time to go back to and "witness" a creation - everything exists in the eternal "now".
Now, I know it's hard for the human mind to grapple with an "existence" outside time , but reality doesn’t seem to be limited by what our minds are capable of understanding or perceiving. Rather, we can limit ourselves, by thinking all there is to reality is what we perceive of it. Indian philosophers have been grappling with these thoughts for millenia and have some pretty sophisticated systems of thought based around it.