I personally think time travel is possible, though right now the complexed technologies to achieve it are simply not around yet. For our scientists and professors to say something like this "Time Travel Isn't Possible" is a bit like saying the building of concorde was Impossible, or Man landing on the moon. Though lol I don't profess that I know about time travel either, I feel to say something like that to fast, is a sure sign of being a defeatest, something alas i am not. Wish i was a scientist lol.<br /><br />Einstein i believe once said the pure sign of a genius is having the ability to solve a set problem from another perspective or angle. The present idea's with time travel may prove costly and technologically demanding, though have they looked at all the angles, or is there a back door theory that has yet to be investigated, that could prove to be the holy grail of time travel knowledge.<br /><br />For a technological civilization as our own to admit time travel is impossible is stupid, and professionally careless, what if a scientist proved them all wrong lol, and achieved a working example of it. I can see then they would be scratching their heads and burning their thesis's on sacrificial alters lol.... Plus what would such a claim if proved wrong do to the reputation of these very respected scientist be as a result, being wrong could prove quite damaging to them i think. So such a claim is stupid and careless. If they had said, according to current research, mathematical and technological time travel theory seems impossible, then that would have said their view better... leaving them open to the possiblity that someone if they had achieved it, they in turn wouldn't discredit our scientists reputation... talking about putting ones preferbial head on the chopping block lol, they did with such a comment. <br /><br />It's obvious now such a claim has been made, that loads of scientists will want to prove these guys wrong, and work undercover with