"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Apart from original transportation and maintenance, there will always be consumables.
Just check on what is needed to extract any metal on location and estimate the cost of getting it there, when "there" includes the cost of lift off and interplanetary and interstellar travel.
Before you suggest "local" manufacture, remember that, to begin the process, everything required must exceed the escape velocity of Earth.
I am only asking for facts in place of uninformed guesswork.
How about starting by just providing the cost of starting on the Moon?
Or maybe better still, put off further discussion until all these wonderful new discoveries have been made.
Just check on what is needed to extract any metal on location and estimate the cost of getting it there, when "there" includes the cost of lift off and interplanetary and interstellar travel.
Before you suggest "local" manufacture, remember that, to begin the process, everything required must exceed the escape velocity of Earth.
I am only asking for facts in place of uninformed guesswork.
How about starting by just providing the cost of starting on the Moon?
Or maybe better still, put off further discussion until all these wonderful new discoveries have been made.