That's the point. Gravity Waves ex Quarks is totally insignificant in any sense, gravity-wise electromagnetic -wise or any other way from any perspective I can muster.
It is your onus to show how such a tiny almost non-effect can influence gravity on a galactic scale. I can only point out that it seems extraordinarily improbable. However, I do not have the knowledge to prove
my opinion any more than I can prove that fairies do not exist on a pin-head.
Having said that perhaps you can show some credibility for the idea. Some supportive evidence. Sometimes the wildest ideas spell out the truth. (Relativity) Any further challenge from me will probably not be useful. I hope you develop your ideas to a conclusion one way or the other to your satisfaction
Perhaps you need to find some way of quantifying the macro effect of all quarks in a galaxy to show that the gravitational waves generated exceed even those generated by vibrating atoms/molecules for example. Let alone the macro disturbance from Stars etc. Good luck.