James Webb Space Telescope spots alien planet shrouded in weird sand-filled clouds

"VHS 1256 b is small for a brown dwarf, which means that the body is likely young. The exoplanet orbits 360 sun-Earth distances from its two parent stars, following an oval-shaped orbit that takes 17,000 years to complete."

An interesting BD observed by JWST. This BD is in the confirmed list The Extrasolar Planet Encyclopaedia — VHS 1256-1257 b (exoplanet.eu) and is about 0.2 Gyr age listed.

Ref - https://arxiv.org/pdf/2209.00620.pdf, 24-page report. My note, I calculate log g = 4.4653E+00 using 19 Mjup and 1.27 Rjup values. The paper reports the Gaia DR3 distance is 21.15 pc. “…adopting the Gaia Early Data Release 3 distance measurement to the system of 21.15±0.22 pc (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2021). Our JWST spectrum covers most of the full luminous range of VHS 1256b; 98% of the measured luminosity is derived directly from the spectrum, with only 2% extrapolated from model fits to wavelengths outside of our JWST wavelength coverage. So much of the SED is covered by measurements and so many independent bands are included that the statistical/random error on our bolometric luminosity value is very small.”