James Webb Telescope vs Chinese Space Telescope - Whassup?

Mar 7, 2021
Last month in late April the Chinese accomplished a primary goal of their construction of an independent space station by successfully putting its first module into orbit. China intends to include a space telescope as one of the components of their space station, an eyepiece that is supposed to be many times better than the venerable old Hubble Space Telescope.

But how will it stack-up against the James Webb telescope? Does anybody know how the new Chinese orbiting telescope may compare to the James Webb telescope?
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Feb 11, 2021
Xuntian telescope will be as powerful as Hubble Space Telescope. The primary mirror of Hubble is 2.4 meters, whereas the mirror of the Chinese telescope is only 2 meters. However, I heard that the Xuntian field of view would be 300 times larger. 2.5 gigapixel camera will let this telescope observe almost 40% of the sky. So, the characteristics of Xuntian make it very similar to Hubble, but it's just a project yet. Perhaps, the final version will slightly differ.
Mar 7, 2021
OK, thanks. I see that they are not going to put their Xuntian telescope up into orbit until 2024.

I wonder how the different approach to optics China is taking will pan out visually. .?

Personally I like cosmic close-ups better than the deep field kind of image (the Orion Nebula - that nursery of stars - for instance, is spectacular IMO.) However, the Chinese certainly know what they are doing with visual-spatial pursuits and the images that result.

Looking forward to seeing all these fabulous new views of the universe.

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