New, Super Fast Earth to Mars Trajectory Follows a Relativistic Fold in Space<br />by<br />WH Clark<br /><br />The complete paper is at http://www.wbabin.net/clark/clark5.htm<br /><br />Abstract<br /><br />The Earth to Mars trajectory is so extremely nonlinear that the only way to find ANY solution is using genetic algorithms - i.e. a completely random search method. This paper describes a direct solution method that not only finds a solution in every single iteration, but an optimal solution; and it does so in a model with 24 unknowns. This extreme and unusual result implies that the algorithm has not only found a fundamental solution, but a powerful new "jump gate" into deep space ~ literally, a Relativistic fold in space. The formal name of the trajectory is a "Gravity Assisted Bi-Elliptic Transfer" orbit; or "GRABET" orbit for short.<br /><br />The result of this fairly straightforward algorithm spawned an exhaustive study of the Solar System, represented in fifty informal papers available at http://lulu.com/whclarkii/ which are collectively my Ph.D dissertation at the University of Texas at Austin. The series of papers pose a fascinating and extremely intricate explanation for this super fast Mars trajectory ~ and the algorithm that found it.<br /><br />Two distinct gravitational regimes are shown to exist, for the inner and outer planets respectively. The Earth to Mars orbit follows a shock wave generated at their intersection, i.e. a third gravitational regime that is faster and more powerful than its constituents. The inner and outer planet regimes, moreover, are shown to be two successive fractal levels - and the papers explore a whole series of additional fractal levels from subatomic and solid state physics all the way up to string theory and cosmology. They all have something in common to this powerful Mars algorithm and the "free return" figure-