Jupiter may not have caused our solar System's 'Great Divide' after all

One of our solar system's fundamental boundaries may have existed since the very beginning, a new study reports.

Jupiter may not have caused our solar System's 'Great Divide' after all : Read more

"We thus suggest that our young solar system's protoplanetary disk developed at least one and probably multiple rings, which potentially triggered the formation of the giant planets," they added. The "almost" in the above statement is an important qualifier, however. Dribs and drabs of material from the outer system did sneak through the pressure net long ago, and some of it rained down on the young Earth, luckily for us. “Those materials that might go to the Earth would be those volatile, carbon-rich materials," Mojzsis said in the same statement. “And that gives you water. It gives you organics."

My observation - There are a number of free parameters used in this simulation model, including gravity :) The Grand Tack model has Jupiter moving around, quite a bit before settling down and we have documented super-earths like TOI 700 d orbiting much closer to their parent star, nothing like these in our solar system or the population of hot jupiters too. Modeling the formation of the Sun and planets from a collapsing gas cloud is no easy job.
Jan 14, 2020
I have always thought that the great migration theory of Jupiter's orbit migrating in closer to the Sun and then back further out seemed contrived, at best. The fact that the asteroid belt survived this supposed migration seemed very unlikely.

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