But you just claimed the non-expanding model fits better, but now you agree there is no such analysis? And that's simply not true as I explained. z=0 in fig 7 would be just a vertical line at z=0. All SN would have zero redshift, this is completely incompatible with the data. In FLRW redshift comes from expansion, if there is no expansion there can be no redshift. Such a model cannot explain these data with redshifts from 0.3 to 1.0, they should also be zero. The fact that the observed redshifts of the SN are non-zero disproves the non-expanding model. There is nothing to fit in this model.
All of the lines of fig 7 are expanding models, and there are many more possible parameters. And these adjustments are not arbitrary. K corrections are necessary when dealing with photometry at different redshifts through fixed filters, dust in the host also affects the brightness. Then there is the fact that SN-1a are not all exactly the same, they are standardisable through measuring the width.
Blondin uses spectral templates to fit spectroscopic ages. It is an independent test no less. Goldhaber et al. look at 35 SCP SN and 18 low redshift ones, that's your control test. And they do fit the supernovae individually and together, Fig 3 is from the individual fits. Knop et al. has no plot testing for time dilation.
And that's what Blondin et al. and Goldhaber et al. did. There is no assumptions about expansion going into fitting the timescale of these SN. And yet, they find evidence of time dilation which follows the (1+z) expectation from the expanding model. In tried light there should be no such time dilation.
And what exactly do you mean by "fit z=0"? Where exactly is this claim made in Goldhaber et al.?
And how do you know that?
The key context you cut off: "in FLRW". FLRW is the metric which describes expanding and contracting space. If there is no expansion in FLRW then there is no redshift. The Knop et al. analysis is based in this model.
A photon has an energy given by h * c / wavelength. There is no "range" in this equation. Energy is lost, in any model.
False. JWST spectroscopy has consistently shown galaxies at high redshift have lower metallicities than modern day galaxies, even accounting for their low mass. Most are about 1/10 solar abundances. Metallicity is one of the few diagnostics which does not depend on cosmology or distance, so this discrepancy is completely incompatible with tired light models. Some of the earliest galaxies are also massive relative to their age, but they would be dwarfs in the modern universe. GNz-11 for example was supprisingly bright when discovered and yet it's mass in stars is only 5x10^8 solar masses, pretty much the same as a little dwarf galaxy like the Small Magellanic Cloud.
We present emission-line measurements and physical interpretations for a sample of 117 [OIII] emitting galaxies at $z=5.33-6.93$, using the first deep JWST/NIRCam wide field slitless spectroscopic observations. Our 9.7-hour integration is centered upon the $z=6.3$ quasar J0100+2802 -- the first...
We analyse the chemical properties of three z~8 galaxies behind the galaxy cluster SMACS J0723.3-7327, observed as part of the Early Release Observations programme of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Exploiting [O III]4363 auroral line detections in NIRSpec spectra, we robustly apply the...
(I don’t know how to isolate excepts from your reply to respond to individually so will just answer each of your points in one block)
Blondin et al did not compare to a z=0 model. Where exactly is this imaginary comparison in the paper?
Notice there are NO low redshift spectra to make comparisons to. Only the 13 or so higher redshift spectra. All Blondin has done is manufacture an imaginary series of restframe spectra conveniently falsified with endless fits and algorithms. There is no case by case comparison between real low redshift spectra and the high redshift samples presented in the paper. Just endless irrelevent charts showing how brilliant their imaginary fits are to an expanding models erroneous predictions. I did notice seperately that Blondins own homepage supplies hundreds of free to all spectra. I am tempted to download a few low redshift spectra and do the job HE should have done and made a proper comparison between a low redshift spectral series and the higher sample.
At least once the authors mention how a tired light model cannot fit the observed data. False claim and unverified as usual. Nor has any attempt been made by any of the authors to test whether or not their erroneous claims that the data only fits an expanding model
How do I know the data fits z=0?! How do you you know it doesn’t ? !!
Im always amazed at how the “established” physics community pretends their imaginary assumptions are actually empirically observed data.
( incidentally I have fits of z=0 that are as good if not better than Knop. Considering he arbitrarily adjusted HST data to fit an expanding model when the data didn’t fit initially.)
Re Photon energy. You conveniently forgot a bit of basic physics. Maybe 10nm is double energy as 20nm. But, 10-20 nm gets redshifted to *20-40 nm*. Thats DOUBLE the nm range in the redshifted range than emitted
You pretended 10nm got redshifted to 20 nm only, and did your erroneous calculation based on this imaginary scenario. Ignoring the fact that the redshifted range was double the wavelength range of emitted.
By the way,...the photon was invented by Einstein to make sure his relativity theories worked. And the reason why the BBT was invented was to save the photon model from being proven false by Hubbles observation that Alberts photon appeared to change frequency over distance. Light is not a photon. No one has ever observed one . Only assumed its existence to save relativity. BUT, light has been observed as a wave. Many times over centuries.
I see no evidence that these distant galaxies are less metal rich than local galaxies. That’s a false claim. Nor is there any definitive proof that these galaxies are different sizes (Ie smaller). How did this get calculated? It is only a fantasy made up by BBT theorists. Who conveniently forget that distant galaxies full sizes are not observable. (Notice small galaxies in Hubble deep field turned out much bigger in the subsequent hi res infrared JWST images). Not to mention ignoring extinction, heavily redshifted spectra distorting the evidence, and most of all ..no attempt to address distance size relationships in a non expanding universe. For instance in a non expanding model, distances are not calculated assuming expansion.
And finally it’s all very well you continually asking for evidence for a non expanding model. But you ignore the fact that pretty well every prediction made by the BBT, since the Catholic priest LeMaitre imposed the creation myth on astrophysics,....has been proved false with subsequent observations.
Yes your Gnz-11 is a good example of falsification of the data by BBT supporters. Your sources actually pretend that Gz is smaller than it is even though in fact it appears large in diameter. Because your sources say that with hi redshift in a expanding model even a galaxy our Milky Way size would have to appear to be absolutely massive in any JWST Deep field Image for some bizarre reason in BBT - land.
This is Nonsense of course because.....the non expanding model...ISNT expanding. Therefore your “ too small“ distant galaxies. Arent actually too small for a non expanding model.