I would like to again bring attention to design our mission as simple from resource point of view and increase hardware complexity only if duplicate or triplicate our redundancy for survival purpose.<br />If we talk about required resources we could list them as:<br />-energy<br />-food(major part could be provided from water, food will be dehydrated )<br />-water<br />-oxygen(could be provided from water)<br />-fuel(could be provided from water)<br />-shielding(could be provided by water)<br /><br />We have 6 basic resources, 4 of them could be directly derived from water and fifth of them will contain as major part water, I will strongly suggest to think again about water as major resource.<br />Major part of water will be use for fuel purpose and shielding. We could compromise our shielding(shield just part ship) to use saved water in emergency situation for purpose to create oxygen for breathing(if it is necessary), or use as drinking water or generate fuel. <br />Our interplanetary ship will be not design around fuel tank. If think that water could be store in multiple tanks, something like rubber bag and easy tight to ship where space will be available. I am not sure if water will change to ice at the earth orbit, if so by changing color of bag from high reflexive it heat up ice and changed to water.<br />Water could be through electrolysis separate to H2 and O, Oxygen could be use for breathing purpose or liquidation unit will generate LH2 and LOX , fuel for rocket engine.<br />It is true, that we need powerfully resource of energy. But we need develop this resource any way for Mars station, where we will use same concept to create fuel from ice/water for our ascent rocket.<br />My idea:<br />- decrease complexity of resources <br />- decrease development(what will be use on Mars will be use in interplanetary ship), <br />- increase resource and hardware redundancy for survival<br />- major parts of our system are were simple device(nuclear rector, electrolysis reactor)