The problem is that they've had two years of down-time to "start" something and all that's come out are viewgraphs. If O'Keefe had said "We've got the Shuttle standdown, so find another way to orbit.", we would be at least half-way there. Instead, it's 2 years later and nothing is being built. This, to me, is a continuation of the charade that has included NASP, X-33/Venturestar, X-34, X-42, OSP and the current Shuttle standdown. They've burned through BILLION$ without flying anything, but constituents and LockMartBoeingGrumDraper sure are happy. <br /><br />This is rant-astic, but they (NASA and partners) should be ashamed. They have wasted, absolutely wasted, our money for decades. What have we gotten from it? Some very cool robots and a whole lot more viewgraphs. Where are the moonbases, the Mars outposts and the SPS demonstrators? Viewgraphs only. Shameful.<br /><br />The only bright hope in manned spaceflight are SpaceShipOne's babysteps and the America's Space Prize. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <div align="center"><em>We need a first generation of pioneers.</em><br /></div> </div>