life is prevalent throughout the universe

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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
" i have noticed that we homo sapien sapiens as intelligent and advanced as we are at this moment are still very limited in our thinking and quite close minded about how we process our thoughts and if something doesn't make sense to us then it's either wrong, insane or is just far to mind boggling to comprehend so isn't worth pursuing . . . "

In all, a very comprehensive summary of our anthropocentric misguided world (or Universe) view. Unfortunately I can only give it one like.

I should add that I am talking about the first part of the post.

Cat :)
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
There is something else I quote with caution: only to be used in very specific cases:

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof" There is a return quote by Dr Avi Loeb in "All About Space", Issue 115 (April 2021?) page 25: Extraordinary conservatism leads to extraordinary ignorance". I am just quoting this without comment.

Cat ;)
There is a return quote by Dr Avi Loeb in "All About Space", Issue 115 (April 2021?) page 25: Extraordinary conservatism leads to extraordinary ignorance". I am just quoting this without comment.
Loeb's quote is just silly. The discipline of science is not void of conservative principles. Perhaps he means "Excessive", not "Extraordinary".

He might be right for an extraordinary few times, but less in number than for extraordinary liberalism, arguably, beginning with one of his own views:

He advocates that Oumuamua is the first evidence for ET..."I submit that the simplest explanation for these peculiarities is that the object was created by an intelligent civilization not of this Earth,..." Where is his extraordinary evidence (not proofs)?
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Loeb's quote is just silly. The discipline of science is not void of conservative principles. Perhaps he means "Excessive", not "Extraordinary".

He might be right for an extraordinary few times, but less in number than for extraordinary liberalism, arguably, beginning with one of his own views:

He advocates that Oumuamua is the first evidence for ET..."I submit that the simplest explanation for these peculiarities is that the object was created by an intelligent civilization not of this Earth,..." Where is his extraordinary evidence (not proofs)?
I entirely agree with you. I hope that I made it clear that I was dissociating myself from it.
Cat :)
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Jan 4, 2020
Our cellular structure is a life within life, and such lower forms of life came first before building us (so to speak). Once upon a time there probably was a mud hole somewhere upon a new Earth with chemistry ready to spark life like a match ready to fire. Then, in that very, very, vulnerable mud hole, life sparked. And it promptly looked to spread itself to every other mud hole it possibly could reach. Practically instant evolution in having survival instinct. Since life is here in billions to trillions, maybe more, of variations from one cell up, including life within life (maybe even within that single celled creature) that in no way believes itself to be lower forms of life -- or is even aware that there are any forms of life existing higher than its own, I think it managed to survive quite well to spread and to evolve variation and complexity to even better survive and prosper. Now it has reached the ready point -- it has reached beginning point -- all over again. Deja-vu. History repeating so to speak. Does it expand out from this very, very, vulnerable planetary size "mud hole"? Or does it just turn inwardly to itself to await certain, inevitable, extinction, proving to life's nature that it is no real survivalist, no real prosperous, life at all?

Likely, if and when we reach out in expansion of life in massive amounts of life and energetic space based and faring structure, we won't realize that, then, we have achieved yet another evolution of life. We will be the life within the structure and infrastructure of a life that has become a life of its own. We will believe we are in control, well some will believe they are in control, and [that] life the next level up that we have been long energizing and sparking to emergence (to animation), will believe it is the aware and in control, when in fact the case will be a symbiosis between two levels of complex life forms that neither is aware of the other being aware. A few, a very few, in the lower level within may realize what has happened and throw up their hands saying, "Dammit! Our creation has taken on a life of its own!" Frontier-wise, it may not be a bad thing. No bad thing at all. Somewhere, probably many somewheres and times over, it may probably have already happened. That is, excluding our own mud hole world (our very local universe) and beginning billions of years ago, and us now on Earth at yet another threshold edge of (nova) beginning, of (nova) expansion to survive and prosper, or implode and go extinct (from implosion, if not from some other cause).
Well said comets and asteroids or meteorites as the scientific community call them when they enter earths atmosphere are the bringers and spreaders of life throughout the cosmos it was one or the other or probably both that brought the life to the mudholes everywhere and I believe that there is life from amoeba to highly advanced civilisations and every level in between and if UAP's are not of this earth then 90% of our theoretical physics and sciences are in fact a reality and if that is the case then I'm not surprised they don't want to make contact with us, we are still savages killing each other over religious beliefs and many other petty reasons and until we have reached the level of acceptance and understanding of our differences (which is a monumental ask from where we currently are as a species) then i fear that there is not enough time for us barring a miracle or intervention from ET then the doomsday scenario that's happened again and again in the past that's wiped out many of the species that once lived on our home planet will without a shadow of a doubt happen again and end homo sapien sapiens to a minimum if not make us extinct altogether. All that has been or will be has been before and will be again and so on and on and on
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Aug 14, 2020
Well said comets and asteroids or meteorites as the scientific community call them when they enter earths atmosphere are the bringers and spreaders of life throughout the cosmos it was one or the other or probably both that brought the life to the mudholes everywhere and I believe that there is life from amoeba to highly advanced civilisations and every level in between and if UAP's are not of this earth then 90% of our theoretical physics and sciences are in fact a reality and if that is the case then I'm not surprised they don't want to make contact with us, we are still savages killing each other over religious beliefs and many other petty reasons and until we have reached the level of acceptance and understanding of our differences (which is a monumental ask from where we currently are as a species) then i fear that there is not enough time for us barring a miracle or intervention from ET then the doomsday scenario that's happened again and again in the past that's wiped out many of the species that once lived on our home planet will without a shadow of a doubt happen again and end homo sapien sapiens to a minimum if not make us extinct altogether. All that has been or will be has been before and will be again and so on and on and on
After the compliment I hate to contradict you in such a major thing. There is no such thing as "until we have reached the level of acceptance and understanding of our differences..." A couple of the very natures of life is variation (differentiation) and competition. Variation (differentiation) is a ripping, tearing, apart. A tree branching not a monolith inbreeding (so to speak). Friction and fission to the bloody max. What you are wishing for (unwittingly, of course) is species utopian domestication and death.

If and when we get out there, the advanced life we will find (if we find it) will be similar to 'Star Wars' at the fall of the Republic rather than either 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' or 'E. T.'; or the wishful thinking of the vast majority of 'Star Trek'. We better be prepared to run into and deal with 'Alien' and 'Predator'. Given time, numbers, evolutions in structures and infrastructures (in next generations), and surviving revolutions in our own combative nature, we will be more than ready enough, more than trained enough, more than evolved enough, to take on any kind of malignant savagery we can't live with, or benign civilization we can live with, we run across out there. And make no mistake we will run across both malignant and benign, savage and civilized, nature. It is the nature of wilderness frontier to have all nature... including the nature of COMPLEX beings like us (those beings, those baskets, nature puts all of its differentiated eggs in; drawing out of the advanced life likes of lions, weasels, cattle, sheep, eagles, doves, raptors, dolphins, sharks, worms, roaches, spiders, nearly to infinity of complexity in differentiation within the advanced singular species. The species anywhere nature makes spatial thinkers for spatial purpose (life's [nova] purpose). It can't conquer if it has no stomach or will to CONQUER! Therefore, there will be no "one world" here until there are two or more frontier worlds there. There will be no unity inland here until there is division outland there. Division will have its half portion even if it has to take it out of the guts of unity. Birth or die. Grow or die. Expand or contract. Explosion and division outwardly or implosion and division inwardly. The tree is going to fission one way or the other.
Mar 28, 2021
I have found it very ignorant and arrogant all my life to understand all the people on this planet who think that we are the only life in the universe and that they think that they are intelligent life and right there is a contradiction in terms, i have always known that life is prevalent throughout the universe both intelligent and not so much, think about this, scientists have found fossilised microbial life in asteroids that originated on Mars and came to our planet through processes that have been going on since the beginning of time so for there to be two planets in our itsy bitsy teeny weeny solar system that has life just says it all and shows us just how much life is spread throughout the cosmos not to mention the types of life but not as we know it that occupy the other dimensions of reality
My mansion(s) has/have many rooms/dimensions. There are things in this universe so bizarre, the human mind can not begin to comprehend them. We/humans are in a symbiotic relationship with others/Gods/Those who from Heaven, to Earth came/our future/humans/beings of the/our future (& even our past). They need our DNA, & we need their guidance/insurance/knowledge & assistance/help. The key to the universe is DNA. The key to (desired/'good') DNA is: 1. Balance (In EVERYTHING, BALANCE). 2. Sacrifice (you/we must be willing to give up something (often desired/treasured, in the present/current here & now), to get something new/different in the future. 3. Patience (patience is a virtue/we often get what we want, but not always exactly when & where we want/expect it/careful what you wish for). Everyone has it 'tough'. We just have it tough at different times & in different ways than others
(otherwise, our DNA would be useless). The answers you seek, are in the water, between the Sphinx & Great Pyramid.


Ancient One
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Mar 28, 2021
Are you implying that life will be more likely on the moons of gas giants than on terrestrial planets?

Cat :)
Nothing scares/concerns me more, than thinking 'humans' are at the top of the evolutionary scale. If 'this' is the best that can be, we're in a heap of trouble. Humans have proven to be very dangerous, but still needed.

Truth handled

Ancient One
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Mar 28, 2021
Are you implying that life will be more likely on the moons of gas giants than on terrestrial planets?

Cat :)
Many ancient texts describe Gods of their time. What is your definition of God/Gods? "It depends on what the definition of the word is, is?" Or, it depends on what your definition of the word God/Gods is. Just because they didn't understand it, doesn't mean we can't. I didn't believe in out of body experiences, until I had 2 heart attacks, at work, in the same spot, two weeks apart, & had to leave my body twice, to survive. Have you ever seen your life flash before you? I have. Once, about ten years ago, I accidently fell off a warehouse dock (about four feet off the ground). In the blink of an eye, I was headed, in a head first dive, straight for the asphalt ground below. I did a shoulder roll, & fortunately survived with only minor scrapes & bruises. Between accidently tripping off the dock, & landing on the ground below, I have never been so petrified. I saw many things so fast, I previously thought it not possible. The human mind has limitations, but most come from deep within ourselves. Do not fear the unknown, for it is the key to our future/survival/existence.


Ancient One
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