Light before the Big Bang

No electromagnetic radiation emitted prior to 380,000 years after the BB can be detected. Before this time, the energies were so high that all of the hydrogen gas was ionized. No photon could travel but a few inches before being absorbed and re-emitted in a different direction. It was like being inside a candle flame.
May 31, 2023
No electromagnetic radiation emitted prior to 380,000 years after the BB can be detected. Before this time, the energies were so high that all of the hydrogen gas was ionized. No photon could travel but a few inches before being absorbed and re-emitted in a different direction. It was like being inside a candle flame.
Bill. I hear what your saying about when photons came into existence from the soup, but could there be electromagnetic radiation from another source beyond the BB
No. There is no way, according to our physics, to probe any earlier than 10^-43 of a second after the BB.
The earlier we go, the more energetic the particles become. At this time each particle was so energetic that the relativistic mass (due to energy) was so high that each particle was an isolated black hole, incapable of communicating with its neighbor.
Our physics is incapable of going earlier.
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No. There is no way, according to our physics, to probe any earlier than 10^-43 of a second after the BB.
The earlier we go, the more energetic the particles become. At this time each particle was so energetic that the relativistic mass (due to energy) was so high that each particle was an isolated black hole, incapable of communicating with its neighbor.
Our physics is incapable of going earlier.
I like what you said here, Bill, but I'm going to reinvent your time scale to take into account a dimension of cosmologically constant Horizon, quantum entangling the Horizon there, then, and what I consider a fact of us being entangled in it (along with everything else in an infinity of universes) here, now. I hope you won't mind the [past (into the future) || future (into the past)] meeting at 0-point, the collapsed constant Horizon:

No. There is no way, according to physics, to probe any outland beyond 10^-43 of a second this side of the dimension of the single-sided 2-dimensional Planck and BB Horizon of a Multiverse. The deeper we go into that closed up (that "spooky action at a distance") multiplex Horizon of infinities, the more energetic the particles (all the entities, from particles to universes, relatively the same to any distant observer at that point) become. At this time each particle of collapsed (of the closed up) Horizon is so energetic that the relativistic mass (due to energy) is so high that each particle is an isolated black hole, incapable of communicating with its neighbor. Our physics is incapable of going into the collapse of -- incapable of going beyond -- the Horizon of our being in two places at once, here at a distance from it, and there in it . . . in that Horizon of everywhere there is, including every universe there is, and, thus, nowhere local-relative at all.
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May 31, 2023
No. There is no way, according to our physics, to probe any earlier than 10^-43 of a second after the BB.
The earlier we go, the more energetic the particles become. At this time each particle was so energetic that the relativistic mass (due to energy) was so high that each particle was an isolated black hole, incapable of communicating with its neighbor.
Our physics is incapable of going earlier.
Just out of interest, where did 10^-43 sec derive from? Or can you point me to a related link please.
Here is Wiki "Big Bang" paragraph on the 10^-43 number:

"The period up to 10−43 seconds into the expansion, the Planck epoch, was a phase in which the four fundamental forces — the electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force, the weak nuclear force, and the gravitational force, were unified as one. In this stage, the characteristic scale length of the universe was the Planck length, 1.6×10−35 m, and consequently had a temperature of approximately 1032 degrees Celsius. Even the very concept of a particle breaks down in these conditions. A proper understanding of this period awaits the development of a theory of quantum gravity. The Planck epoch was succeeded by the grand unification epoch beginning at 10−43 seconds, where gravitation separated from the other forces as the universe's temperature fell. [1]"
  1. Unruh, W.G.; Semenoff, G.W., eds. (1988). The early universe. Reidel. ISBN 90-277-2619-1. OCLC 905464231.
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